Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Background of the Catholic Church Essay - 4406 Words
Background In the Western world, the schism within the Catholic Church has made its most significant impact due to rapid changes in social standards. Of greatest importance is the evolution of modern society and their response to the reverberated traditions of the Catholic Church as well as the evolving Protestant sects. In consequence of increases in technology and science, modern society has redefined its acceptable and moral behavioral standards within a social setting, whereas, the Catholic Church stands firm in its doctrines despite social and moral movements in the twentieth century. Except for the Second Vatican Council and the Council of Trent, the Roman Catholic Church has not worked to revise its religious traditions in†¦show more content†¦I don’t believe that religious conversions need to take place, rather religious communication and understanding. The intolerance perpetuated by Catholicism is a feeling that I had at one point entertained in accordance with my Church’s attitude. It is only now, after exploring other religious services, I realize the ignorance that intolerance perpetuates and I have grown spiritually from this revelation. Upon these grounds I propose that it is reasonable and necessary to draw parallels between Protestant and Catholic religious services as a start to narrow the gap between Catholics and Protestants. It is in this acknowledgment of apparent similarities in worship that Protestants and Catholics would be able to appreciate each other for what they believe both religiously and socially. Whether or not people realize this point, religion even while separated from the state, influences how each individual approaches and interacts with another. The split between religion and state widened a gap within humanity. By fostering new relationships and new parallels within differing religions, this gap will begin to close. Since the Protestant Churches arose due to the Reformation and a separation from the authority of the Roman Catholic Church, there may exist Protestant rituals that parallel Catholic rituals. Moreover, byShow MoreRelatedMy Visit to St. Peters Catholic Church in Charlotte, North Carolina1452 Words  | 6 Pages The Catholic Church is the oldest major religion in the Western world. Littered with peace, love, and humility, along with violence, turmoil, and controversy this institution has seen, heard, led, and had influence over the majority of everything and everybody that there was in the last two millennia. This has included ordinary people, Kings, Queens, Generals, Nobleman, Royalty, and everything in between, and has endured since the beginning of the modern era, Anno Domini. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
The War On Drugs And The United States - 1506 Words
When, in 1971, Richard Nixon infamously declared a â€Å"war on drugs†it would have been nearly impossible for him to predict the collective sense of disapprobation which would come to accompany the now ubiquitous term. It would have been difficult for him to predict that the drug war would become a hot topic, a highly contentious and polarizing point of debate and, it would have difficult for him to predict that the United States would eventually become the prison capital of the world, incarcerating, proportionally, more people than anywhere in the world. Today, beyond being a popular political talking point, mass incarceration has become a veritable crisis. The United States now has over 2 million citizens languishing in prisons -- far and away in the most in the globe, and a nearly 68% recidivism rate. Most Americans are quick to blame the dire state of mass incarceration in the United States today on the punitive drug war policies instituted by the likes of Ronald Reagan , and Richard Nixon; however the reality is much more equivocal. Further analysis of mass incarceration - its causes and factors - in reality reveals a much less black and white situation: While these severe drug war policies played almost undoubtedly an integral role in creating the American system of mass incarceration, they are only a segment, emblematic of a larger systemic crisis of draconian, â€Å"tough-on-crime†penalties, which over the last forty years placed more Americans in prison than any otherShow MoreRelatedThe War On Drugs And The United States956 Words  | 4 PagesThe War on Drugs has become an epidemic today that has afflicted in the United States and the United Nations; both are influenced by international drug laws which preserve the criminal justice system. These new laws promote an ineffective policies on the war on drugs. Therefore, communities are locked while the promotion of illicit drugs become the dominate framework to organized crimes. Today, the war on drugs continues to be an ongoing battle within our society. This paper will examine these issuesRead MoreDrug Wars : The United States1643 Words  | 7 PagesDrug Wars. When people hear the term â€Å"Drug Wars†they think that the cause of all the Drugs and Violence flowing through into the United States, is all Mexico’s fault, that Mexico is the cause of so many deaths and a War that the United States thinks it’s â€Å"Winning†, but they are not even making a little dent. Interestingly enough, Mexico is not the only cause of this War going on around the Border, The United States plays a big role around the Drug Wars as well. THE TIES THE U.S. HAS WITH MEXICANRead MoreThe War On Drugs And The United States1555 Words  | 7 PagesThe War on Drugs has been an ongoing effect ever since the Civil War introduced the drug morphine to the world. In the years since people have been coming up with drugs more lethal than morphine such as cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, and so on and so forth. The War on Drugs is dangerous and leads to many deaths throughout the years. America has set up agencies such as the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and other drug task force teams throughout the United States. Even though we may not be ableRead MoreThe War On Drugs And The United States1063 Words  | 5 PagesThe War on Drugs has become an epidemic today afflicting United States and the United Nations; which are swayed by global drug laws which preserve the criminal justice system. These new laws promote an ineffective policy on the war on drug. Therefore, communities are locked while the promotion of illicit drugs bec omes the dominate framework to organized crimes. Today, the war on drugs continues to be an ongoing battle within our society. This paper will examine these issues focusing primarily onRead MoreThe War On Drugs And The United States1063 Words  | 5 PagesThe War on Drugs has become an epidemic today afflicting United States and the United Nations; which are swayed by global drug laws which preserve the criminal justice system. These new laws promote an ineffective policies on the war on drug. Therefore, communities are locked while the promotion of illicit drugs becomes the dominate framework to organized crimes. Today, the war on drugs continues to be an ongoing battle within our society. This paper will examine these issues focusing primarily onRead MoreThe Drug War Of The United States1626 Words  | 7 PagesThe drug war in the U.S. has been waged on civil fronts for over four decades and has not only proven to be not only futile but at times even more damaging to society than the drugs themselves. The once virtuous intent of this ‘war’ has been corrupted by police unions and dirty politicians who have turned it into a carefully crafted system of capitalistic enterprise, designed push their political agenda by perpetuating the myth that drugs are the primary threat to our nation. Zero tolerance lawsRead MoreThe United State War On Drugs1005 Words  | 5 PagesThe United States government has been wasting millions of dollars each year on a worthless war that cannot be won. This war is explained in detail by author Art Caden in their essay â€Å"Let’s Be Blunt†about the United State war on drugs. The war on drugs began in 1971 under the order of President Richard Nixon, and it was one of the worst decisions he ever made. It has been nothing but a waste of government funding, time, and manpower that can only be described as a dismal failure and should be repealedRead MoreThe War On Drugs And The United States871 Words  | 4 Pages In the United States crime rates have been on a decline for years, but the United States still has the largest number of people incarcerated in the world. The â€Å"war on drugs†as well as policy’s by the government to be â€Å"tough on crime†has lead to the uprising of corporate prisons, which are known as for-profit prisons, and private prisons. Private prisons have also lead to States, and federal prisons to become worse when it comes to programs to rehabilitate those who are incarcerated, so thatRead MoreUnited States War On Drugs Essay1575 Words  | 7 PagesHumanities Independent Research Essay Thompson Lin Block B 10-1 Research Question: To what extent has the United States’ â€Å"War on Drugs†been successful in reducing illicit drug abuse in the country? The â€Å"War on Drugs†is a term generally referred in America to the campaign aiming to reduce drug abuse in the country. The term first appeared in July 18 1971, when former U.S. President Richard Nixon started the campaign. However, on April 9, 2015, President Obama publicly announced that the policyRead MoreThe War On Drugs And The United States Essay2046 Words  | 9 PagesFor many years, drugs have been the center of crime and the criminal justice system in the United States. Due to this widespread epidemic, President Richard Nixon declared the â€Å"War on Drugs†in 1971 with a campaign that promoted the prohibition of illicit substances and implemented policies to discourage the overall production, distribution, and consumption. The War on Drugs and the U.S. drug policy has experienced the most significant and complex challenges between criminal law and the values of
Saturday, December 14, 2019
What is Market Segmentation Free Essays
string(89) " change for their age factors they may still wish to consumer the same type of products\." 1. What do you understand by the term Market? Marketing is followed by the different way of processes that may included the success of marketing and involves of marketing research selling product, sales promotion, product and services and main thing of consumer satisfaction and their need and wants. Main things of marketing to envolved and meet the developing of new markets caused by mature markets and over capacities in the last 2-3 centuries. We will write a custom essay sample on What is Market Segmentation? or any similar topic only for you Order Now The increased of marketing strategies requires to focus of production and needs and wants of customer means the satisfaction of customer means of staying profitable. (wikipedia.org/wiki/Marketing) Marketing is a social and managerial process and also individual and groups means the chain of process, groups obtain want and needs are creating , offering and exchanging of product of value with others product (Kotler 1997. 9th edition) Marketing is an organisational function it obtain to process for creating communicating and delivering value of customer and managing of customer relationship in the way of benefit the organisation and its stakeholders. 2. Market Segmentation:- Markets segmentation divided in to two groups heterogenous, homogenous. The aims for segmentation a market is to allow your marketing/sales programmed to focus on the subset of prospects that are most likely to purchase a offer for customer. Example:- Tata have started a new Mercedes Benz care in India . Many people have need car like Maruti , Santro but they may not need like Mercedes car. They all are happy with santro and maruti. Some people are interested in a luxuary car, but may not be interested in Mercedes . Some people may be interested Mercedes but they are not able to afford of Rs. 32lakh. Thus, the market for Mercedes is a very small part of luxuary car markets(Ananksha Goswami) A market segment unity of a group of customers within a market who share a similar level of interest in the same. Or comparable, set of needs. Levels Of Market Segmentation:- It is discussed in importance of segmentation that consumer have a different needs and good seller have satisfied consumer needs and wants . That’s why market segmentation can be carried out of a different levels of segments. (www.mba.com) 1) Mass Marketing:- In simple words seller offer same product for all the buyers with different needs and seller engages in mass production, mass distribution, and mass promotion of one product for all buyers. 2) Niche Marketing:- A niche is a defined more closely group, It is dividing the segment in to sub segments it can be divided that identifying the distinct of consumer which might special needs and benefits this sub segments are made for those consumer whose needs and wants are not satisfied. 3) Local Marketing:- It depends upon the brand and promoting and to needs and wants of local customer and the design marketing programmed depends upon local consumer group like nearest consumer, Neighborhoods and even specific stores. 4) Individual Marketing:- Individual Marketing knows as the satisfying of needs and wants of individual customer, it means one-to-one marketing and customized marketing it is the segment level where seller offer customized product to the consumer . How to identify the market differnation from one another 3. Why Segment The Market / Reasons Of Market Segmetation:- The market segmentation benefits in different ways. It helps the market to pick up the market targets, and hence research how markets differ from one another. It does this by distinguishing one customer group from other within the market and by showing which segment of the market matters to its situation and should, hence form its target market. Following are the different points of view for the differentiation of market one another. 1) Facilities effective of the chosen market:- Segmentation depends upon the market and understanding the needs of each the chosen segment, when the buyers are handled the after the segmentation and the response for each segment will be more homogeneous. In product distribution and pricing for matching the particular customer group and developing the marketing offers. 2) Marketing effort more efficient and economic:- Segmentation is more important of marketing efficient and economic, marketing effort is concentrated or selected for well defined segment after all for most firms. If efforts were concentrated on select the segments the ones that match the firms resources and are most productive and profitable. 3) Helps Identify Less Satisfied Segments and Concentrate on Them:- Segmentation also helps the marketer to asses to what extent existing offers in the market matches the needs of different customer segments and which are the less satisfied segments. 4. Market Can Be Segmented Using Several Bases:- A market/consumer population for a product can be segmented using several bases Geographic Demographic Psychographic Behavioral 1) Geographic Segment:- Geographical segmentation tries to divided in to different market geographical units: these units depends on political boundaries, climate regions, population boundaries Countries: perhaps categorized by size, development or membership of geographic region. a) City / Town size: e.g. population within ranges or above a certain level. b) Population density: e.g. urban, suburban, rural, semi-rural. c) Climate: according to weather patterns common to certain geographic regions For Example:- Geographic segmentation aims the product consumption of different patterns , people in different area like some people in India and some in Kenya in India(kokan and goa) found in stple grain and fish available from sea. Southern area found in a coffee and northern area tea , and the international market products are made according to their needs like soft drink when added a glass of water with lots of sugar, in India complexion cream fair and lovely only sell by India. 2) Demographic Segmentation:- Consists of dividing the market into groups based on variables such as age, gender family size, income, occupation, education, religion, race and nationality. As you might expect, demographic segmentation variables are amongst the most popular bases for segmenting customer groups. The main demographic segmentation variables are summarized below : Age:- Consumer need and ants change for their age factors they may still wish to consumer the same type of products. You read "What is Market Segmentation?" in category "Essay examples" So defiened the different types of product, packing, promote the product differently to meet the wants of different age groups. Example for the market of different type of soap and body wash ( the branding soap like Dove and dove body wash use for adults and childrens) Life-cycle stage:- A consumer stage in the life-cycle is an important variable – principally in markets such as spare time and sightseeing. For example, contrast the product and promotional approach of Club 18-30 holidays with the slightly more refined and dignified loom adopted beside Saga Holidays. Gender:- Gender segmentation is widely used in consumer marketing. The best examples include clothing, hairdressing, magazines and toiletries and cosmetics. Income:- Many companies target affluent consumers with luxury goods and convenience services. Good examples include Coutts bank; Moet Chandon champagne and Elegant Resorts – an up-market travel company. By contrast, many companies focus on marketing products that appeal directly to consumers with relatively low incomes. Examples include Aldi (a discount food retailer), Airtours holidays, and discount clothing retailers such as TK Maxx. Social class:- Many Marketers believe that a consumers â€Å"perceived†social class influences their preferences for cars, clothes, home furnishings, leisure activities and other products services. There is a clear link here with income-based segmentation. Lifestyle:- Marketers are increasingly interested in the effect of consumer â€Å"lifestyles†on demand. Unfortunately, there are many different lifestyle categorization systems, many of them designed by advertising and marketing agencies as a way of winning new marketing clients and campaigns. Example:- Zee Televisions deals with variety of channels regional channel, sports channel, movie channel. Peri-peri has both veg and non veg burger and also McDonald has veg burger for vegetarian and non veg burger for non vegetarian. 3) Psychographic Segmentation :- Psychographic segmentation groups according to customer and their life style, many manufacturer or company product offers based on their attitudes, beliefs and efforts or emotions of their target of market. The desires for status, enhanced somebody look like and more money of psychographic variables. Psychographic segmentation helps in repositioning, launch of new products and brand extension: Segmentation consumer based on psychographic rest on identifying consumer state of mind and hence helpsin piecing together a more inclusive profile of target consumer. Buying Behavior Segmentation :- Markets can be segmented on the basis of buyer behavior as well. Since all Segmentation is in a way related to buyer behavior, one might be tempted to ask why buyer behavior-based segmentation should be a separate method. It is because there is some distinction between buyer’s characteristics that are reflected by their geographic, demographic and psychographic profiles, and their buying behavior. Marketers often find practical benefit in using buying behavior as a separate segmentation base in addition to bases like geographic, demographics, a psychographics. The primary idea in buyer behavior segmentation is that different customer groups expect different benefits from the same product and accordingly, they will be different in their motives in owing it and their behavior in buying it. Variables of buyer behavior are:- Benefit sought: – Quality / economy / service / look etc of the product. Example:– Nestle has found a separate segment atta noodles as distinct from the maida noodles. Usage rate: – Heavy user / moderate user / light user of a product. User status: – Regular / potential / first time user / irregular /occasional. Loyalty to brand: – Hard core loyal / split loyal / shifting / switches. Occasion: – Holidays and occasion stimulate customer to purchase products. Attitude toward offering: – Enthusiastic / positive attitude / negative attitude / indifferent / hostile.(www.bizzed.co.uk) Example:- Shampoos, soap and all FMCG products buying behavior segmentation is used. 5. Market Criterial For Effective Segmentation in Sales/marketing Management A decision to use a market segmentation strategy should rest on consideration of four important criteria that affect its profitability. (www.citemannetwork) 1) Accessible:– The firm has to now consider whether the segments are accessible to it. This may need further analysis. The market realities will have to be taken into consideration. The popular segment will be accessible only to the firm with a cost advantage, since price is a major determinant in this segment. Liril of Hindustan Lever has a commanding position in this segment. At the upper end of the segment, HLL’s Pears and Dove are well entrenched. Several other brands of different companies are competing in the segment. 2) Identifiable and measurable: – Segments must be identifiable so that the market can determine which consumers belong to a segment and which do not. However, there may be a problem with the segment’s measurability (that is, the amount of information available on specific buyer characteristics) because numerous variables (e.g. psychological factors) are difficult, if not impossible, to measure at the present time. For example, if the marketer discovered that consumers who perspire profusely favored a particular brand, very little could be done with this information since such a group would be difficult to measure and identify for segmentation purposes. 3) Substantial:- This collection refers to the degree to which a chosen segment is large enough to support profitably a separate marketing program. As was noted preciously a strategy of market segmentation is costly. Thus, one must carefully consider not only the number of customers available in a segment but also the amount of their purchasing power. 4) Responsive:- There is little to justify the development of a separate and unique marketing program for a target segment unless it responds uniquely to these efforts. Therefore, the problem is to identify market segments that will respond favorably to marketing programs designed specifically for them. 6. Identifing Market Segmentation And Market Target :- There are five different patterns of target market selection: 1. Single Segment Concentration:- Also known as the â€Å"be a big fish in a small pound†strategy is, based on the generic competitive strategy-Focus. Through concentrated marketing, an industry achieves a strong understanding of the segment’s needs, develops competitive advantages to accomplish a strong presence in the given segment. Through segment leadership, it captures an elevated return on investment. 2. Selective Specialization:- The company may decide to target several segments, but may be selective about the segments to target. This multi-segment strategy has the benefit of spreading a firm’s hazard and gives it larger presence in an industry. 3. Product Specialization:- A firm specializes in a specific product and vends it to numerous segments. A firm may specialize in water purifiers and may decide to target homes, institutions, commercial research labs, and government establishments. For each market segment it targets the company would have to appropriately modify several elements of the marketing mix, but what it achieves is a strong repute in a particular product area. The disadvantage of this strategy is a technological revolution that may threaten the business of the company. 4. Market Specialization:- A firm concentrates on serving the various requirements of a specific customer group. For example, an online seller of books, who having built up a large customer base, diversifies into selling other products like music, cameras and other such assortments to the customer group. The firm achieves a well-built status in serving this customer group and turns out to be a channel for extra products that the customer segment can utilize. The disadvantage of this strategy is major shift in the attractiveness of the given market segment, would threaten the entire business of the company. 5. Full Market Coverage:- The company tries to cover all market segments through their products. Huge firms can take on a full market coverage approach. Firms can cover the market in two ways: through differentiated marketing or undifferentiated marketing. In undifferentiated marketing, the firm practices mass marketing by going after the entire market with one marketing mix. In differentiated marketing, the firm works in numerous markets, but designs an explicit marketing mix for each market segment, that it selects to target. Example of General Motors:- GM has identified about 40 different ‘customer needs’ and correspondingly, 40 different market segments in which it would present with its vehicles. For example, it has targeted the Pontiac at active, sports-oriented, young couples, the Chevrolet at price-conscious young families, the Oldsmobile at affluent families, and the Buick at older, more conservative couples. 7. Segment-Target-Postion:- The strategic marketing planning process flows from a mission and vision statement to the selection of target markets, and the formulation of specific marketing mix and positioning objective for each product or service the organization will offer. Leading authors like Kotler present the organization as a value creation and delivery sequence. In its first phase, choosing the value, the strategist â€Å"proceeds to segment the market, select the appropriate market target, and develop the offer’s value positioning. The formula – segmentation, targeting, positioning (STP) – is the essence of strategic marketing.†(Kotler, 1994, p. 93). The marketer would draw out the map and decide upon a label for each axis. They could be price (variable one) and quality (variable two), or Comfort (variable one) and price (variable two). The individual products are then mapped out next to each other Any gaps could be regarded as possible areas for new products. 8. EVALUATION OF THE SEGMENTS:- Whether market segmentation is successful or not can be evaluated by the following questions(slidshare.net ankasha 91) 1. Is it sizeable: – Size-wise, the popular segment is a bigger compared to the premium segment. In term of tonnage, of the total market of around 6, 00,000 tones, the popular segment account for 80 percent and the premium segment for the remaining 20 percent. If the firm wants a very large volume, it has to think of the popular segment. At the same time, it has to note that the premium segment too is sizeable, as it account for over 120,000 tones. In term of value, the premium segment is even more sizeable, formerly nearly 30 percent of the total market. Clearly, the segment cannot be ruled out as lacking in size. 2. Is it growing: – Growth rate and likely future position of the segment will be the next consideration in the evaluation processUsually, business firms seek out the high growth segments. Analysis will readily indicate to the firm that in bath soaps, the premium segment happens to be the high growth segment. Whereas the popular segment has been growing at 10 percent per annum, the premium segment has been growing at over 20 percent annum. When this fact is taken into consideration, the firm’s choice may tilt toward the premium segment. 3. Is it profitable: – Next consideration will be the extend of profitability. In the present example, the firms quickly sense that the premium segment is more profitable one. Even a relatively lower volume in the segment may bring in good returns. On the contrary, in the popular segment, a much larger volume will be necessary for the business to be viable, since prices and margins in the segment are low. Another point is that costs of marketing, distribution and promotion in the business are quite high and are constantly on the rise. Costs of launching a new brand are particularly high. The market is very competitive, aggressive promotional support through expensive media like TV becomes essential. 4. Is it accessible: – The firm has to now consider whether the segments are accessible to it. This may need further analysis. The market realities will have to be taken into consideration. The popular segment will be accessible only to the firm with a cost advantage, since price is a major determinant in this segment. Premium segment will be accessible only to firms, which enjoy a differentiation advantage, and which are also marketing savvy. Liril of Hindustan Lever has a commanding position in this segment. At the upper end of the segment, HLL’s Pears and Dove are well entrenched. Several other brands of different companies are competing in the segment. Conclusion:- Principle of market segmentation is that the product and services needs of individual customers differ. Market segmentation involves the grouping of customers together with the aim of better satisfying their needs whilst maintaining economies of scale. It consists of three stages and if properly executed should deliver more satisfied customers, few direct confrontations with competitors, and better designed marketing programmes. Segmentation depends the differentiation of market starategy and the achieve of goals that the main important thing with segment market don’t have achieve the target, market segmentation of different ways that the concludes are Segmentation to helps the market to pick up the market targets and that the differentaion of main thing is bases of segmentation they decided the all level of ages customer needs and wants. Segments must be identifiable so that the market can determine which consumers belong to a segment and which do not This collection refers t o the degree to which a chosen segment is large enough to support profitably a separate marketing program. As was noted preciously a strategy of market segmentation is costly. Thus, one must carefully consider not only the number of customers available in a segment but also the amount of their purchasing power. References:- 1) introduction. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marketing. 2) Kotler, Philip (1997), Marketing Management, 9th Ed., Prentice Hall, New Jersey. 3) Market Segmentation. slideshare.net,akanksha91,market-segmentation.( student of bhilai business school) 4) MarketSegmentDefinition. http://www.marketsegmentation.co.uk/segmentation_tmsc.html. 5) Levels of market segmentation. http://www.content4reprint.com/marketing/branding/levels-of-market-Segmentation.htm. 6) Levels of market segmentation http://www.mba-tutorials.com/marketing/211-levels-of-market-segmentation..html/ankasha 91 7) Reasons Of Market Segmention: http://tutor2u.net/business/marketing/segmention_why.asp 8) Shewe,charlesed.(2009-2010). Market Can Be Segmented Using Several Bases: http://www.quickmba.com/Marketing/market-segmentation. 9) ankansha 91.(2010). www.slideshare.net91 10) Market Criteria for effective Segmentation in Sales / Marketing Management.http://www.citeman.com/7492 Market-criteria-for-effective-segmentation(2009). 11) ht Jorge A. Restrepo. (1994). Segment-Target-Position. http://www.eurkafacts.com/STPArticle.pdf. 12) Kotler, Philip. Marketing Management, 1997, 9th edition, pp. 249-268. How to cite What is Market Segmentation?, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Jefferson vs Hamilton Debate free essay sample
Jefferson V. S Hamilton Debate Question †¢How did Jefferson’s ideals of government differ from those of Hamilton? Jefferson believed in strong states which would in return better control the government while also benefiting us while Hamilton believed in strong central government where the states would have limited power and the elite would have a say in government while also basing the economy on industry and large national debt. †¢Why was Jefferson’s support focused mainly on the â€Å"common†man such as farmers? Jefferson’s support mainly focused on the â€Å"common†man because of the fact that he in fact was a farmer. †¢Why did Jefferson advocate a â€Å"strict†interpretation of the Constitution? Jefferson advocated a â€Å"strict†government in order to hinder the rising of a strong central government. †¢Why did Jefferson appose Hamilton’s ideas of a national bank and the creation of a national debt? The south had already paid their debtâ€â€would be supporting the northern states. We will write a custom essay sample on Jefferson vs Hamilton Debate or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page †¢ What were Jefferson’s beliefs on the individual state’s power? He believed that the country was too large to be appropriately controlled by a strong central government. He concurred that if the government was controlled more by the states, that the people would benefit more. †¢ Through what means did Jefferson believe the economy would prosper? Agriculturally †¢ Why did Jefferson support the French Revolution? The French supported us during our own revolution. †¢In what ways did Jefferson feel that the people should control the government? He believed that the government should be mainly controlled by the states, which in return would lead to a more people controlled government. †¢ What were Jefferson’s beliefs on the whiskey tax? That it was wrongâ€â€it is the farmer’s excess wheat and are free to do with it what they want. †¢ Are any ideas of Jefferson are used in today’s government? Yes, however today’s government is based upon the composition of ideas of both Hamilton and Jefferson.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Fundamentals Of Television Essays - Television Technology
Fundamentals Of Television The Fundamentals of Television In this report on television I will discuss television signals, the components the make up a television, and how a television produces the picture and sound for the final output. The sound carrier is at the upper end of the spectrum. Frequency modulation is used to impress the sound on the carrier. The maximum frequency deviation is twenty-five kilohertz, considerably less than the deviation permitted by confessional FM stereo. As a result, a TV sound signal occupies less bandwidth in the spectrum than a standard FM broadcast station. Stereo sound is available in TV, and the multiplexing method used to transmit two channels of sound information is virtually identical to that used in stereo transmission for FM broadcasting. The picture information is transmitted on a separate carrier located 4.5 MHz lower in frequency than the sound carrier. The video signal derived from a camera is used to amplitude modulate the picture carrier. Different methods of modulation are used for both sound and picture information so that there is less interference between the picture and sound signals. The full upper sidebands of the picture information are transmitted, but only a portion of the lower sidebands is suppressed to conserve spectrum space. The color information in a picture is transmitted by way of frequency division multiplexing techniques. Two color signals derived from the camera are used to modulate a subcarrier that, in turn, modulates the picture carrier along with the main voice information. The color subcarriers use double-sideband-suppressed carrier AM. The video signal can contain frequency components up to 4.2 MHz. Therefore, if both sidebands were transmitted simultaneously, the picture signal would occupy 8.4 MHz. The vestigal sideband transmission reduces this excessive bandwidth. Because a TV signal occupies so much bandwidth, it must be transmitted in a very high frequency portion of the spectrum. TV signals are assigned to frequencies in the VHF and UHF range. United States TV stations use the frequencies between 54 and 806 MHz. This portion of the spectrum is divided into sixty-eight 6MHz channels that are assigned frequencies. Channels 2 through 7 occupy the frequency range from 54 to 88 MHz. Additional TV channels occupy the space between 470 and 806 MHz. The video signal is most often generated by a TV camera, a very sophisticated electronic device that incorporates lenses and light-sensitive tranducers to convert the scene or object to be viewed into an electrical signal that can be used to modulate a carrier. To do this, the scene to be transmitted is collected and focused by a lens upon a light-sensitive imaging device. Both vacume tube and semiconductor devices are used for converting the light information in the scene into an electrical signal. The scene is divided into smaller segments that can be transmitted serially over a period of time. It is the job of the camera to subdivide the scene in an orderly manner so that an acceptable signal is developed. This process is called scanning. Scanning is a technique that divides a rectangular scene up into individual lines. The standard TV scene dimensions have an aspect ratio of 4:3; that is, the scene width is four units for every 3 units of height. To create a picture, the scene is subdivided into many fine horizontal lines called scan lines. Each line represents a very narrow portion of light variations in the scene. The greater the number of scan lines, the higher the resolution and the greater the detail that can be observed. United States TV standards call for the scene to be divided into a maximum of 525 horizontal lines. The task of the TV camera is to convert the scene into an electrical signal. The camera accomplishes this by transmitting a voltage of 1 volt for black and 0 volts for white. The scene is divided into 15 scan lines numbered 0 through 14. The scene is focused on the light-sensitive area of a vidicon tube or CCD imaging device that scans the scene one line at time, transmitting the light variations along the lines as voltage levels. Where the white background is being scanned a 0 volt signal occurs. When a black picture element is encountered a 1 volt level
Monday, November 25, 2019
Codes of Conduct essays
Codes of Conduct essays Codes of conduct have defined civilization for thousands of years. The early civilizations of the Mesopotamia established rough guidelines for how people were to live their livesthey included prohibitions, regulations, and even penalties for violations. The Babylonians established written law. The Code of Hammurabi set parameters based upon ethic and moral sentiments of the people. Hundreds of years later, the English social philosopher John Locke espoused the idea of the "social contract." Members of a state relinquished some of their rights for the protection of the "whole." In turn, they were subjecting themselves to the written laws (including the punishments) of the state. If there has been one common trend regarding codes of laws throughout the centuries of civilization, it has been the similarity between moral and ethical sentiments of society, and the written law (Fort, 2001). Traditionally, what people have found to be unethical actions have been prohibited (directly or indirectly) by the codes of conduct (Fort, 2001). Also worth noting is the fact that much of what was deemed unethical by early civilizations is similarly viewed today. Thus, codes of conduct have remained relatively the same throughout the history of the world. The most prominent codes deal with what a civilization defines as "criminal activity." Criminal activity can include bodily harm, sabotage, and arson. Almost every code of conduct has included a law against robbery. In his book, "The Logic of the Law," Gordon Tullock writes, "Perhaps the easiest way to make a living, and certainly one of the oldest, is to take another's property" (Tullock, 1987). Tullock goes on to emphasize the prevalence of robbery (and its many forms), and efforts by civilizations to deter it (Tullock, 1987). Here in the United States, we have various laws (varying by state) addressin...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Industrial Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Industrial Revolution - Essay Example Though it is hard to pinpoint, but most historians agree that the Industrialization basically originated in England with a series of social and technological innovations. But the oldest disagreement among historians is how the ordinary people were affected by it. While Landes (1987), seems to approve of the Industrial Revolution by stressing its positive consequences; such as the increased political equality and improvement in the material conditions. It was between 1760 and 1860, that the progress in technology and education; and an increasing capital stock; transformed England and the rest of Western Europe into the workshop of the world. This essay will try to look into the different factors that contributed towards Western Europe to industrialize first, in comparison to the rest of the world. The industrial revolution was driven not only by technology but also by profound social changes. Europe rapidly moved from primarily a rural and agricultural economy to an urban and capitalist economy and from a household, family based economy to an industry based economy. This required the need to rethink social obligations and the structure of the family. Abandoning the family economy was the most dramatic change the Western Europe had ever undergone, and Europeans still seem to be struggling with these changes. By the middle of the eighteenth century, the European economy had become a global economy. The Western European, manufacture and trade stretched to every continent except Antarctica. Why the other nations did not initially join this revolution is based on multiple factors. Causes of Occurrence in Western Europe A question that really interests economic historians is that why did the eighteenth century industrial revolution start in Europe rather than in any other part of the world, like France and China or India. Though numerous factors like ecology, government and culture have been suggested but some historian argue that as China and Europe were similar in the 1700s, the crucial difference which resulted in the Industrial Revolution in Europe were the sources of coal and other raw material near the manufacturing centers. This enabled the ordinary people to find increased employment opportunities in the new factories and mills (Hartwell, 1971). Moreover, it also allowed Europe to economically expand in a way China could not. Though some 20th century historians argue that the process of social and economic change took place gradually, therefore, the term revolution is not a true description of what took place (Berg & Hudson, 1992). Climatic and Geographical Factors The geographical factor has played a vital role in Western European industrialization. The countries situated in tropical and semi-tropical zones like China and India, have a severe handicap because of the climatic and weather patterns of these areas. Hot climates are mainly responsible for the spread of viral and other incapacitating diseases (Landes, 1998). Moreover, these areas are either dominated by deserts or the weather there is such, that it suffers from drought or torrential downpours that are detrimental for farming. To completely overcome these natural handicaps is undoubtedly a major problem which drains a lot of government resources. Europe on the other hand
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Personal Narrative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 6
Personal Narrative - Essay Example That is when I decided to take the journey towards fitness so that I could lose weight and transform myself. The family supported me in the changes I made in my diet that included swapping the foods that were too fatty for lower-fat options, reducing the sizes of the portions and taking regular family walks. I enrolled in a program that was ran through a website that organized camps for big people as well as offering resources and tips. This was an inspiration to me and I met other people who were dealing with the same problem. Meeting with other people who were having the same problem greatly assisted in my efforts to change my lifestyle and become healthier. There has been an increase in the rate of obesity particularly in children and I make sure that I encourage other people who may be in the same situation that I was in to embrace more healthy living for their own sake. The statistics are overwhelming since approximately one in every three children between the ages of ten and seventeen living in the US is considered overweight or obese and Georgia is second after Mississippi in the country as far as obesity in children is concerned (Johansen 25). Living an inactive combined with a relative ease of access to fast food has been the main cause of obesity for the population. People, especially children spend most of their time watching television and on their computers and phones and very little time exercising. The path towards renewed health is the conviction to make the change and believing that it can be done. The person deciding to change his or her lifestyle must be determined to do it since if one is forced to do it, there is a high chance that when the person will find himself alone, he will fall along the wayside. After being determined that you can take the steps towards healthier living, one will need to take single small steps at a time. It greatly helps to begin by taking water in place of soft drinks and soda and trying things
Monday, November 18, 2019
Fiedler Contingency Theory vs House-Path Goal Theory Term Paper
Fiedler Contingency Theory vs House-Path Goal Theory - Term Paper Example It concludes that none of the theories can be applied single handedly hence, they need to be correlated. Key words: contingency theory, goal path theory, leadership, and management. Fiedler Contingency Theory vs House-Path Goal Theory Introduction Leadership is increasingly becoming an interesting subject of study with various theories emerging to explain why some leaders are more effective than others are. Such theories open up our minds to the various leadership approaches and enrich our leadership skills. The theories include trait theories, power and influence theories, behavioral theories, contingency theories, and path theories. This essay will focus on Fiedler’s Contingency and House’s Path Theory as models of analyzing leadership (Lussier & Achua, 2010). Fiedler’s contingency theory and its applicability Fiedler’s contingency theory is the brainchild of Fred Fiedler a scientist who majored in leadership and personality. The model posits that there is no standard style of leadership instead; the leadership styles adopted depend on the situation and circumstances. As such, the leadership style depends on the situations favorable. The first step in the model is identifying the leadership style. Fiedler holds that leadership styles are fixed and can be measured through a model he refers to as the Least Preferred Coworker (LPC) scale. The scale requires one to consider the person they enjoy working with the most and rate them for each factor then give them a score. The factors include friendliness, cooperation, pleasance, sincerity, loyalty, kindness, cheerfulness, openness, supportiveness, calmness, and acceptance (Nohria & Khurana, 2010). If the person scores high then you are a relationship-oriented leader. If the score is low then you are a task-oriented leader. This implies that task oriented leaders have more negative LPCs. Fiedler also refers to them as low-LPC leaders (Lussier & Achua, 2010). He explains that such leaders are effective in task completion and quick in organizing groups to accomplish a particular task. Relationship building is not their priority. On the other hand, the relationship-oriented leaders have LPCs that are more positive. They are also known as high-LPC leaders. They focus on personal connections and are effective in avoiding managerial conflict. They can also make complex decisions (Sadler, 2003). The next step to one’s type of leadership is through situational favorableness. Fiedler relates this to three factors. First is the leader-member relations, which is the trust, and confidence the team has in their leader. A leader that is trusted is in a more favorable situation than one who is not. Then there is the task structure, which is the clarity or vagueness of the task being performed. Unstructured tasks put the team and their leader in an unfavorable situation. The last is the leader’s position of power, the more power a leader has the more favorable the sit uation. Application Fiedler’s theory main premise is that a leader in a strict and task-oriented environment has different qualities from one in an open-minded environment. The theory helps to improve leader-member relationships by helping both the leaders and the group members to understand group problems and help solve them. It also allows for consultation and feedback within an organization. The model prepares leaders and other group members to work with difficult individuals (Nohria & Khurana,
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Health Status Indicators for Populations in New Zealand
Health Status Indicators for Populations in New Zealand Amy A. Bulseco Identify four current health status indicators for three diverse groups from national and international perspective. New Zealand Children One of the target groups of the Ministry of Health are the children of age group 0- 14 years. The early stages of life are one of the most important factors that one has to consider in health because it determines how healthy adulthood and advanced age would be (Ministry of Health 2012). Research conducted by the Ministry of Health on health programs are used to address certain issues of specific population groups. Obesity is one of the health indicators identified for the New Zealand Children: It was identified that 10% of children under the age 2-14 years old in New Zealand are obese and this constitutes about 91,000 children in the population. While, two in ten (21%) children aged 2-14 y/o were overweight but not obese or an estimated number of 184,000 children. Obesity has become prevalent due to modernization as children spend more time indoor watching television and more children opt now to eating chips and drinking sodas. Obesity is the result of unbalanced physical activity and metabolism between excessive food and drinks intake (Food and Nutrition Guidelines for Children and Young People 2-18 y/o, 2012). Unmet needs for primary health care About 20% of children age 0-14 year old experienced unmet need for primary healthcare for the past 12 months. This composes of 180,000 children in the year 2011-2012 (The Health of New Zealand Children 2011-2012). Unmet primary healthcare need may mean that there is a possibility that a child’s condition can worsen if not treated promptly (MOH 2012). New Zealanders with Intellectual Disability There is 0.7% or a total of 31,847 identified as persons having intellectual disability. The group comprises of those with cognitive impairment early in life and those who developed it at a more advance age. Persons with disability tend to have poorer health outcomes than the rest of the population (MOH 2011). Chronic Health Conditions: Respiratory Disease Respiratory disease, together with coronary disease, is the leading cause of death of people among persons with intellectual disability. There are 7,060 or 22% are diagnosed and are receiving treatment for respiratory disease such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease like emphysema (MOH 2011). Respiratory disease is preventable through proper and regular screening. There is no known form of screening among people with intellectual disability in New Zealand. There are also evidences that other form of screening are inequitably delivered overseas (MOH, December 2013) Maori It is said that in Maori culture, suicide or whakamomori is not sanctioned except in time of grief. It was not prevalent among pre-contact Maori society because it is believed that strong family ties and social structures protect them against suicide. Maori’s youth have higher rates of suicide than the older Maori due to the possibility that they perform a positive role of integration to their whanau and hapu (Durie, 2001). Suicide On the data gathered on The Suicide Facts by Ministry of Health there are 549 deaths due to suicide in 2012. Maori has highest suicide cases of 120 deaths or 21.9%. In the age standard suicide rate there are 17.8 per 100,000 Maori population compare to 10.6 per 100,000 in non-Maori group. Maori youth suicide remains consistently high and is 1.7 times more likely to commit suicide than non- Maori group. Maori population tends to suffer more health and socioeconomic challenges compare to the non-Maori population. Risk factors for Maori which are associated with suicide like social and educational disadvantage, unhappy family and childhood background, mental health problem and recent life crises (Durie, 2001). The World Health Organization is the leader in promoting, monitoring and coordinating body on international health within the United Nations. They are basically working on five areas like health systems, non-communicable diseases, promoting health through life course, communicable diseases, corporate services and preparedness, surveillance and response. As a part WHO’s role in preparedness, surveillance and response they do risk assessment, help countries prepare for, respond to and recover from emergency due to hazard that pose a threat to human health security. Syria The WHO has categorized the Arab Syrian Republic health crisis as â€Å"Grade 3†or most serious humanitarian emergency thus requiring lot of help from several organizations. In 2011 there are 190,000 people killed, 1 million injured and 6.5 million who are displaced (WHO, WHO and health partners responding to the Syrian Arab Republic health tragedy, 2014) Syrian Children (0-5 y/o) Syria’s population is 21,898,000 in the year 2013 (WHO, World Health Statistics , 2015). The United Nations has said that 12.2 million are in need of humanitarian assistance and this includes 5.6 million children. Investigators have accused the rebels as well as the government itself that as a method of war it has blocked access to water, food and healthcare services. (Roger, 2015) Malnutrition Findings on the status of nutrition in Syrian children from 2007-2014 identified that there are 27.5% who are stunted, 11.5% are wasted, 10.5% are underweight while there are 17.9% of overweight children. (WHO, 2015). An increase of undernourished children predisposes them to health problems. The status of nutrition also indicates the country’s socioeconomic status. Stunting is described as low height for age or the failure to reach linear growth due to suboptimal level of health or nutritional condition. High levels of stunting signify poor socioeconomic conditions such as illness and inappropriate feeding. 5% 65% prevalence is common among less developed countries. Wasting or thinness which was described as low weight for height is a severe process of weight loss due to severe disease, acute starvation or due to chronic unfavorable condition. Above 5% prevalence is alarming because the possibility of mortality may follow. An occurrence of wasting bet 10-14% is regarded as serious. (WHO, Global Database on Child Growth and Malnutrition, 2015) Immunization status for children 1 year and below Measles immunization status among Syrian children showed considerable drop from 84% in 2000 to 61% in 2013. Other immunization like DPT3 (Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus toxoid) only covered 41% of children. 41% of the children were immunized with Hib3 (Haemophilus Influenza type B) and 71% were vaccinated for HepB3 (Hepatitis B). Immunization reduces the risk of increase mortality rate among children especially those diseases that can be prevented through vaccines. The Global Vaccine Action Plan 2011-2020 is dedicated in strengthening routine immunization to meet vaccination target, prevent millions of death by making vaccines more accessible to the communities, increase the control of preventable diseases and spur the research for future vaccines. (WHO, Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals:Global Vaccine Action Plan 2011-2020, 2015) General Syrian Population Mortality Morbidity The recorded deaths due to all causes per 100,000 Syrian are 28,718 in the year 2012. The highest reason of death is due to injuries which accounts for 18,227 people. Second leading cause is due to non-communicable diseases which affected 7,685 people. The record on deaths by communicable disease indicated 2,807 deaths (WHO, World Health Statistics , 2015). War has brought a devastating effect on Syrian population. It has suffered for four years due to conflict causing a decline to the country’s health situation. Half of the hospitals are not functioning, patients need to travel hundreds of kilometers just to access to the nearest hospital, outbreak to communicable diseases, and there was a shortage of medicines for non-communicable diseases and poor water and food sanitation causing waterborne diseases contributed all to mortality and morbidity rate of Syrian people. (WHO D. f., 2015) Lebanon As a response to the ongoing war, the United Nation developed a Regional Response Plan (RRP) for Syria. The RRP adopted an open border policy to Syria’s neighboring country such as Turkey, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan and Egypt (U.N, 2015).All in all there are 3,984,393 Syrian refugees registered to The United Nations Refugee Agency as of June 17, 2015. Lebanon is situated in the western part of Asia. It has a population of 4,822,000 in the year 2013 (WHO, World Health Statistics , 2015). On the northern and eastern part it is bordered by Syria while on the southern part is Israel. Syrian Refugees Lebanon has 500, 654 Syrian refugees in the year 2013. Aside from accepting the highest influx of Syrian refugees, Lebanese government faces the issues like water and waste management, funding for health are also being stretched as facilities and supplies was divided for locals and for refugees (U.N, 2015) Leishmaniasis It is a tropical disease acquired from the bite of a sand fly. It has three forms, cutaneous, mucocutaneous and the visceral leishnmaniasis. In the past years, between 2001-2014 there are only 0-6 cases every year. In year 2013 there has been a drastic increase to 1,033 cases. Syrian refugees are greatly affected with 998 cases or 96.6% and 3.4 % are composed of Lebanese nationals and Palestinian refugees. Environmental sanitation is a contributing factor in the spread of the disease. Wars and cluster relocation are also the cause of Leishmaniasis (Alawieh, 2014). Analysis of related causative factors identified in pertinent national and international literature. â€Å"The cost of inaction is clear and unacceptable. Through investing in vigorous and well targeted prevention and control now, there is a real opportunity to make significant progress and improve the lives of populations across the globe.†-Lee, Jong Wook (Director General, WHO Ischemic heart disease among adult New Zealanders According to the statistics in 2012 ischemic heart disease is the leading cause of death killing a 4.6 thousand of New Zealanders. (WHO, New Zealand: WHO statistical profile, 2015).The survey in health in 2013-2014 there are 165,000 (4.6%) people diagnosed of heart disease. The occurrence is highest among 75 years old with 22% prevalence. Smoking Smoking is one of the modifiable causes of heart disease. People who smoke are 2-4 times more prone to having heart attack or stroke. (Heart Foundation, 2015).There is 17.2% or an estimated number of 615,000 adult New Zealanders who are current smokers and 15.5% are known to smoke daily (MOH, Annual update of key result 2013/2014: New Zealand Health Survey, 2014) The chemicals present in tobacco accumulate overtime and causes damage to the lining of arteries triggering inflammation that may block the flow of blood supplying the heart (Heart Foundation, 2015) Obesity Obesity is measured by means of Body Mass Index. A BMI that exceeds 30 or more is considered an obese person. Three in ten adults or 30% are identified as obese by the health survey in 2013-2014 (MOH, Annual update of key result 2013/2014: New Zealand Health Survey, 2014). A lot of condition may develop due to obesity, it is usually accompanied by elevated blood pressure, elevated blood sugar and elevated lipid profile as well. According to Michael Smith fat people are more prone to develop heart attack and diabetes. Hazardous drinking among adult Maori Hazardous drinking poses harm not only to one self but also to others. Behaviors such as domestic abuse, cultural offences, violence and even an increase in motor vehicular accidents are positively related to alcohol misuse (Durie, 2001). It was identified that one in three (30%) adult Maori are hazardous drinkers. Socio-economic disadvantage There are many causative factor linked to hazardous drinking of Maori, one of them is socio economic disadvantage such as poor housing condition, unemployment, low educational attainment and unmet health care needs. Due to colonization, Maoris developed a culture of dependence. Alcohol dependency is one of them as a means of escaping humiliation and entrapment. (Durie, 2001) Ischemic heart disease According to the data gathered by WHO, ischemic heart disease is the leading cause of death globally. In 2000 there are 6 million deaths while in 2012 it increased to 7.2 million deaths due to heart disease (WHO, Top 10 leading cause of death in the world, 2000 and 2012, 2015). Smoking World Health Organization. Leishmaniasisâ€â€diagnosis, detection and surveillance. Geneva: WHO; 2013. Available at: http://www.who.int/leishmaniasis/ surveillance/en/ http://www.who.int/features/2014/syria-health-tragedy/en/
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Ismene And Haimon of Sophocles Antigone :: Antigone essays
Antigone Ismene And Haimon Antigone, the character, is a tragic hero because we care about her. Ismene and Haimon help us care about Antigone by making her feel worthy of loving. And with out this her plan to bury her brother seems irrelevant to the reader because we can care less about her. Ismene, although weak and timid, is in the story to illustrate that Antigone is capable of being loved. "We are only women, We cannot fight with men, Antigone" (Sophocles 881). Another reason Ismene is incorporated to Antigone is to show exactly strong-willed Antigone is. Haimon is there to show that Antigone has a life and a future outside her purpose. What else Haimon brings to the story is he makes Creon look like a fool, but more importantly he validates Antigones cause. So without Antigone having to live for she would have nothing to lose, therefore, her death would not be tragic. The prologue juxtaposes the differences in character between Antigone and Ismene. Ismene works of what is sensible, while Antigone uses more emotion. "Antigone: He is my brother. And he is your brother, too. (Talking about burying Polyneices). Ismene: But think of the danger! Think what Creon will do" (Sophocles 881). In this part of the play we really see how strong Antigone is by witnessing just how feeble Ismene is. "Another example of this is when Antigone is talking to Ismene saying she is going to bury Polyneices no matter what. Ismene replies that you can't. Antigone then says well I will until my strength gives out" (Sophocles 882). Not only is Ismene weak but it she is also a law a biding citizen. In scene two Ismene shows the viewers that she is still weak, but also that Antigone is a hero because heroes must be loved. And this is where we find that at least one person does. "But how could I go on living without her" (Sophocles 892)? Here the viewer also finds out that Isme ne has good intention toward her sister, its just hard for her to show them. Likewise in the beginning of scene three Haimon will not do anything to hurt his father Creon. "I am your son, father. You are my guide. You make things clear for me, and I obey you" (Sophocles 893). This quickly changes though. Haimon now is fed up with all the bad talk about Antigone and is also in a way speaking for the people.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Non-Monetary Rewards in the Workplace
Managers of different industries and organizations have been finding ways to create a motivational workplace. Defining motivation, it is â€Å"that which gives impetus to our behavior by arousing, sustaining, and directing it toward the attainment of goals†(Wortman and Loftus, 1992 p.353). In order for a business organization to achieve its objectives, therefore, there should be some motivations in the workplace that will drive its employees to accomplish such objectives. Companies may aim to improve the quality and productivity of the business primarily for increased profitability. Personally, employees may have their own motivators that drive them to perform their jobs better. Older employees are motivated by the insurance and pensions they will get upon retirement while others are motivated by the increase in salary as the years of their stay in the company increases. What makes motivation very important is that when it has been very effective, the business and its workers will mutually benefit; that is they will both achieve their goals. For businesses, turn over rate will decrease and productivity may increase. What also makes it a hard task for the managers is that employees have different behaviors and attitudes towards work, thus different motivations are needed in order to satisfy the employees. The most common type of motivation is reward. Rewards are given to motivate employees to improve their performance or simply to avoid dissatisfaction among employees. Rewards may be monetary or non-monetary. The purpose of monetary rewards is to acknowledge employees’ excellent job through money. Money has been an effective motivator because people are motivated first by the desire to secure first-level needs of food and shelter for survival (Creech, 1995). Aside from that, one of the primary reasons why people work is to earn money and improve their economic status. Monetary rewards or incentives include salary increase, profit sharing, project bonuses, stock options and warrants, scheduled bonuses and additional paid vacation time (Ballentine et al, 2003 p.1). However, people’s needs are not only material things. There are also other needs that are needed to be satisfied such as the need to learn, to be challenged, to improve skills, improve social status, and the need for other opportunities. These needs are basically what make people self satisfied and fulfilled. Non-Monetary Rewards Non-monetary rewards are important employee motivators. As many people say, there are certain things that money cannot buy and these are sometimes more important to people. According to Kohn (1993 on Ballentine et al, 2003), monetary incentives encourage compliance rather than risk-taking because most rewards are based only on performance. On the other hand, non-monetary rewards are recognition of an excellent job which do not involve money but are still satisfying and motivating to employees with the purpose of creating opportunities to the employees. Non-monetary rewards include: (1) opportunity to learn, develop and advance as an employee; (2) flexible hours; (3) Recognition; (4) the opportunity to contribute; and (5) independence and autonomy (Anonymous, 2006). Opportunity to Learn, Develop and Advance The opportunity to learn, develop and advance can be considered as opportunity for growth. Creech (1995) describes growth as to the mental abilities of employees. Promotion is one means of growth but there are also other ways that employees can learn and grow aside from moving out of their current position. Training, for example, are provided to employees who have showed exemplary performance. Some companies even send their employees abroad for special seminars and trainings to further enhance their skills while other companies have provided scholarships and send their employees to universities to make them more educated. Another way of rewarding an employee is by giving him more complex and challenging tasks that will help improve his skills giving employees a certain feeling of achievement. Flexible Hours Having flexible hours is rewarding to employees in such a way that they can have more time with other obligations. It will be rewarding for good employees if they can have time for other important things such as the family, a part-time job, hobbies and social life. Even the most dedicated employees may feel like slaves and may lose interest with their jobs if all their time will be spent working for the company alone but those who can have time for their selves can be more enthusiastic. Recognition It is very important for an employee’s excellent job to be appreciated and recognized. Recognition as a reward should be earned directly through the job (Creech, 1995) and must be in the form of merit so that employees know efforts are being observed and appreciated by management (Anonymous, 1994). Recognition may be in the form of â€Å"pat in the back†, verbal praise, or written praise (in the form of letter or certificate). There are even some companies that announce the reward publicly by holding ceremonies annually or quarterly in recognition of outstanding employees such as awards for the most prolific employees, the most loyal, most innovative and so on. In this way, employees are more motivated knowing that their good performances are recognized. Opportunity to Contribute Employees feel rewarded when they know that they have good contributions in the workplace. They can even more contribute to the organization when they are given more responsibilities and when they know that their contributions are being valued. This reward involves having to work in a team, working closely with the people in the upper level of the business organizations such as the management, and having your ideas being heard and considered with regards to the decisions made in the company. This kind of reward is commonly given to innovative and creative employees who always have new ideas to contribute to product development and productivity. Independence and Autonomy Exemplary employees are usually given the independence and autonomy because the management trusts them that can accomplish their jobs without supervision and help of others. This reward is commonly given to employees who are good in decision making, can handle pressure and can finish the job on time effectively. It is a rewarding and comfortable feeling for an employee when there is no supervisor or other employees that always looks after his works while employers can save time and money when they have workers who can work independently. Conclusion Although monetary rewards have been traditionally effective as a motivator in a workplace, non-monetary rewards are also important in meeting the other needs of the employees. Non-monetary rewards satisfy and eliminate unhappiness in the workplace by providing employee self-fulfillment, growth, and a feeling of achievement, making them more motivated to perform their jobs better. Therefore, in a workplace, there should be a balance of monetary and non-monetary rewards which motivates employees in different effective ways. References: Anonymous (1994) Personnel Practices/Communications. Human Resources Management. Chicago: Commerce Clearing House Inc., Anonymous, Top Five Non Monetary Items Employees Want in a Workplace Retrieved online on October 12, 2006 http://www.recognitionrewards.com/top_five_items.htm Ballentine, Andrew, McKenzie, Nora, Wysocki, Allen & Kepner, Karl (2003), The Role of Monetary and Non-Monetary Incentives in the Workplace as Influenced by Career Stage, EDIS, Department of Food and Resource Economics, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. Creech, Regina (1995), Employee Motivation, Management Quarterly, Volume 36, Issue 2 Wortman, Camille B. and Elizabeth F. Loftus. (1992) Psychology. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
If It Wasnt For The Police, There Would Have Been No Riots essays
If It Wasnt For The Police, There Would Have Been No Riots essays If It Wasnt For The Police, There Would Have Been No Riots in Recent Years. Discuss The last centuries riots have a common cause: Police Brutality. In the UK, a Riot is defined by the 1986 Public Order Act as 12 or more persons who together use or threaten unlawful violence for a common purpose and the conduct of them (taken together) is such as would cause a person of reasonable firmness present at the scene to fear for his personal safety. The result of a riot carries a possibility of a fine and a sentence of up to ten years imprisonment. If however, less than 12 people are present, violence may constitute the lesser offence of Violent Disorder. Throughout the world riots happen for a number of reasons. The term Police Riot has became increasingly more common through the late twentieth century, in which the term describes a situation where police in riot gear such as padded knee and elbow protectors, armour, helmets and face shields encounter a group of people for example a protest group which is not engaged in any violent behaviour, but is deemed by the police to be a threat to the community. In an encounter such as this violence often erupts. This violence is provoked by the police by either simple assault, assault with a deadly weapon, mayhem or even death. The term police riot is often used ironically as most citizens expect the police to be keepers of the peace and not inciters of riots. The abuse of authority by a police officer who gets themselves into a corrupt act is normally written about on a daily process in any leading newspaper. A Tukwila Police Officer will serve two days suspension for firing a beanbag gun point blank at a man and kicking him in the groin during Seattles tumultuous World Trade Organisation Conference. Tracy Johnson, Seattle News. Friday 21 January 2000. Then on the 19th February 2004, a FBI report which ha...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Perception in advertising essays
Perception in advertising essays After working in the sales market for three years you begin to recognize certain things about your customers. You realize that your mood can affect their buying habits and how the attitudes can affect how you approach a prospective sale. If a person comes in showing that they have no idea about your market, you have to take the time to basically introduce them to your product. You tell them the advantages and disadvantages that your product offers. If they come in having knowledge of your product, you ask them to tell you what they already know and then correct them if there is anything they have been misinformed about. You have to make sure that what you offer for information is something they need and then move on with the sale. Over the past few months somthing new has presented itself that at first seemed rather surprising. When our company got bought out we were given new red shirts as part of our uniform. Our old company had provided white shirts. No big deal? Our company has told us that we can wear whatever we want to work as long as it is presentable. What I have noticed is the days I wear my red shirt to work, sales seem easier to make! As I have not had the time to run a personal experiment to see if shirt color (which would be my independent variable), affects the number of sales in a given day (the dependent variable), I decided that I would look to see if color in fact can affect a persons motive to buy. Eric Johnson, who is the head of Research Studies for the Chicago-based Institute of Color Research says that their research explains that when eyes see red, the pituitary gland sends out signals that make the heart beat faster, the blood pressure increase, and the muscles tenseall physiologic changes that can lead to the consummation of a purchase (Tufts). Davis Masten of Cheskin + Masten/Image Net sat that packaging of products is done to reflect what consumers want to be, not what they rea...
Monday, November 4, 2019
The Army and Air Force Exchange Service Research Paper
The Army and Air Force Exchange Service - Research Paper Example Fortunately AAFES has the opportunity to counter the potential decline in sales. With retail facilities operating in Europe and Asia, AAFES has the opportunity to increase sales in an area where the outside economy is unreasonable to shop in. Military service members receive cost of living allowance to offset the difference in cost of living off the economy. Despite having additional income the difference in price makes shopping AAFES more desirable as the customer's first choice. Social and cultural factors are perhaps the most critical when developing retail merchandise assortments. AAFES customers consist of military service members whom are mobile and global customer and are exposed to many global trends. According to the U.S Department of Defense demographic report, military active duty personnel stationed overseas consist of 7.4% stationed in Europe, and 6% in Asia. For this reason AAFES continues to practice market development by bringing products that customers have been exposed to in one country and can continue to buy when they move to another. Government intervention in the retail industry can put damper on business objectives. AAFES is not exempt from the possibility of mergers. In 2004 the Department of Defense proposed merger of AAFES, the NEX (Navy Exchange), and MCX (Marine Corp Exchange). The motion which would eliminate 2,500 jobs never took place, however AAFES is still planning for the coming of the Unified Exchange. This is evident in the joint ventures which have occurred amongst the exchanges to cut costs and increase buying power. With the government slowly lifting bans on restrictions on categories of merchandise, AAFES must prepare themselves for the moment that other changes could take place. Suppliers must be identified, merchandising practices decided upon, and more. In doing this AAFES will lose no time in planning to capture additional sales. Technological Creating customer loyalty has been an ongoing priority and challenge for retailers. Technology has allowed retailers to implement loyalty programs that also track consumer purchases. Amongst change in demand in consumer electronics is the decline of CD music sales in favor of mp3 sales. AAFES can expect the
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Chemistry chemistry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Chemistry chemistry - Essay Example (Frederick, 1979, P.67) Intramolecular forces are much stronger than intermolecular forces hence the generally higher Melting and Boiling points associated with substances that have intramolecular forces. Aluminium, being a metal would be expected to form an ionic bond with Chlorine, which is a gaseous non-metal. This is not the case however due to the very small size of the Aluminium atom, which makes the Aluminium nucleus to exert very high attractive forces on its outer electrons, making it difficult for the atom to loose electrons in order to form ionic bonds. In Aluminium Chloride, the Aluminium atom bonds to three chlorine atoms covalently by having a shared electron with each one of the chlorine atoms. (Frederick, 1979, P.73) Aluminium chloride exists as a dimer (Al2Cl6). The bonding between the two molecules is co-ordinate, using lone pairs on the Chlorine atoms. (Frederick, 1979, P.75) Magnesium has the electronic structu
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Statement of Goals, Research Interests, and Experiences Personal
Of Goals, Research Interests, and Experiences - Personal Statement Example In the current environment of advancing technology, GIS plays an important role in the development of nations, which is especially true for the UAE, where expertise in this area is the need of the hour. Pursuing a master’s degree in GIS would equip me with the necessary knowledge and skills to help develop various aspects of the UAE, like building infrastructure, developing crime analysis database to reduce crime etc. Bringing this essential knowledge back to my country would enable us to advance and improve our current security systems and the quality of life for citizens in UAE. UMD University is renowned for its value based academic programs that offer opportunities of personal and professional growth. The myriad modules of course curricula are essential ingredients that provide students with a strong learning experience. Moreover, the learning platform offered by the university caters to the needs and requirements of diverse populace thus facilitating greater understanding of cross-cultural values and preparing students to meet the challenges of time. As a foreign student from Abu Dhabi, UAE, the invigorating environment and the academic program of the university not only meet my expectations but also represent my ideals. Participating in the UMD GIS Master program would help me realize my dream of improving the GIS Field in my country. I therefore strongly believe that the state of the art technology and innovative curricula of the UMD university program would help me meet the changing demands of the times, and allow me to make important contributions to my community. It would equip me with excellent academic qualifications and skills that could be judiciously exploited for the advancement of my country. My interest in studying GIS sparked when I was growing up in Abu Dhabi where I used to admire those who supervised construction sites near my home place. It intrigued me how they could go to places that were bare,
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Modern Business Statistics with Microsoft excel Essay Example for Free
Modern Business Statistics with Microsoft excel Essay When are you entitled to deduct interest? If you run a business in part of your home, you are entitled to deduct part of the interest on money you borrowed to buy your home if: part of your home is set aside exclusively as a place of business and is clearly identifiable as such, and that part of the home is not readily adaptable for private use, for example, a doctor’s surgery located within a doctors home. If you rent out part of your home with access to general living areas on an arm’s length basis, you are entitled to deduct part of the interest on money borrowed to buy the home (see Taxation Ruling IT 2167). In these situations you would satisfy the interest deductibility test. This means you would not obtain a full main residence exemption and so would have to pay tax on part of any capital gain made when you sell your home. You may satisfy the interest deductibility test even if you didn’t borrow money to acquire your home – you must apply it on the assumption that you did borrow money to acquire it. You also satisfy the test if you were entitled to claim a deduction for the interest, even if you didn’t actually claim the deduction. There is a special rule to work out the amount of your capital gain or loss if you first use your home to produce income in a way that satisfies the interest deductibility test after 20 August 1996. Last Modified: Tuesday, 30 June 2009 Main residence exemption the effect of using your home to produce income Where you first use your home to produce income after 20 August 1996 If you start using your home to produce income (in a way that would satisfy the interest deductibility test) for the first time after 20 August 1996, there is a special rule for working out your capital gain or loss. In this case, you are taken to have acquired your home at its market value at the time it is first used to produce income if all of the following apply: you acquired the home on or after 20 September 1985 you first used it to produce income after 20 August 1996  you would get only a part exemption because the home was used to produce assessable income during the period you owned it, and you would have been entitled to a full exemption if you had sold the home immediately before you first used it to produce income. The effect of this rule applying is that the period before the home is first used by you to produce income is not taken into account in working out the amount of any capital gain or loss . The extent of the exemption for the period after the home was first used to produce income depends on the proportion of the home used to produce income. Example: Home first used to produce income after 20 August 1996 Louise purchased a home in December 1991 for $200,000. The home was her main residence. On 1 November 2001 she started to use 50% of the home for a consultancy business. At that time the market value of the house was $220,000. She decided to sell the property in August 2002 for $250,000. The capital gain is 50% of the proceeds less the cost base. Percentage of use X (proceeds – cost base) = capital gain 50% X ($250,000 – $220,000) = $15,000 Louise is taken to have acquired the property on 1 November 2001 at a cost of $220,000. Because she is taken to have acquired it at this time, Louise is taken to have owned it for less than 12 months and therefore cannot apply the indexation or discount method to calculate her capital gain.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Prioritization in Nursing
Prioritization in Nursing TGP CASE STUDY 2 Q1. Prioritization is a vital skill in nursing profession. Management of patient loading depends on the sharpness of patients and relies on primacy environment. Brown Edwards said breathing, airway and circulation are very important to sustain life; each is precondition of the other and in that array. The work of ABC’s in a gush; if entire airway obstacle take place, It is impossible to breathe, as air does not go into the respiratory tract for ventilation, as a result; oxygen does not go into the lungs and transported to crucial organs and tissues. Furthermore, her ideology in prioritizing is to treat sensitive patients and present troubles over constant patients and possible problems. 1:- Phillip in bed 4 by way of a tracheotomy is the utmost main concern. Durbin said (, a tracheotomy is signify for patients with higher airway obstacle. while the tracheotomy tube is in position, this might cause frustration in the respiratory area instigate an enhancement in mucus creation. This leads to airway obstacle impose tracheal suctioning. Vigilant watch is necessary for patients with tracheotomy as this is openly occupied in airway patency and efficient inhalation .make sure a lucid and patent airway is as a result is primary, hypoxia arise if linger unprocessed. 2:- Colleen in Bed 5 has blood loss internally as this is indication of maelena and haematemesis, this may go ahead to hemorrhagic stun .This shock results from an failure of delivery of oxygen to tissues owed to the failure of blood volume in the vascular organism. To renovate blood volume, she was transfused through blood. on the contrary, this case is not honestly related to airway and inhalation although comparatively sort out underneath the circulatory module of the algorithm; hence still necessitate vital awareness following Phillip. 3:- In bed 6 Tony makes a diagnosis of type II diabetes through insulin plus dextrose combination should be focus. This kind of combination is developing to keep up normoglycemia, which is important for him as he is to have an endoscopy and kept nil by mouth. Notably, the patient is not presently belligerent of rigorous ache or in a hypoglycemic condition which is an instant life intimidating experience if untreated; therefore this patient must be monitored carefully; on the other hand, care can be tardy after Collen and Phillip. In bed 3 Max with constant mixture of pantoprazole as organization of sensitive GI blood loss resultant to peptic ulcer syndrome. He offered with haematemesis; though distressing, there is no sign of current blood loss, so Max requires caring monitoring relatively direct interference. Fifth one is Linda, an aged female with right higher quadrant abdominal ache which could be indicative of cholecystitis She is at present feverish which may be analytic of an contagious process. Even if an increase in temperature exists, there is no straight and instant hazard in the patient’s airway and inhalation condition. Finally, in bed number 2 Jayne was suffered with jaundice resulting to a liver disorder is attended. Likewise,the patient has a significant past of hepatitis C virus disease that can be gain by use of infected needles among intravenous-drug users. There is no warning of instant hazard for this patient, prompting her to be the less in priority. . As develop by Heller, the brain is mainly affected after blood glucose level fall. While glucose level in the blood downs to 3.6 mmol/L, efficiency of mind diminishes, as evident by the patient reply to voice in the AVPU balance. Notably, essential organs not adequately supply with glucose can potentially lead to stun. As a compensatory method blood course is force to the vital organs, this in return restrictions blood flow in apparent tissues causing fresh clammy skin .comparatively, a hormone that reduce blood sugar is insulin; however, patients with type II diabetes may have lack of this hormone; as an effect, insulin therapy is set up. Sam is to go through an endoscopy require him to be kept nil by mouth; as an effect, this can cause a important drop in the blood glucose. In the case, Sam’s blood sugar fall to 1.5 mmol/L which can lead to abduction and potentially coma? To argue against this, dextrose is used to sustain the blood sugar within constant levels. Infusion pumps are manage via a 50 mls needle driver. Actrapid insulin is included in a 50 mls bag of 0.9 NaCL. It is very important to check the blood sugar cautiously as this would be basis on correction of infusion rates. in addition actrapid insulin has an instant onset and can cause rigorous hypoglycemia Procedures to reverse hypoglycemia are as follows: A decrease in the insulin at the charted lowest rate. This is the instant action as this is the chief cause of hypoglycemia; this act prevents a further turn down in blood sugar stage . STAT dose of 25 mls of 50% dextrose, following 5 minutes a repeat BGL is done. The main purpose is to repair blood sugar within secure limits. Sam is planned for an endoscopy and kept nil by mouth. Hence, giving the prescription orally is held up. But in severe cases dextrose is given intravenously due to awareness condition of patient and for quicker absorption. Regular monitoring of BGL every 15-30 minutes until BGL’s are 6.6 mmol/L and beyond. Dextrose infusion might induce hyperglycemia. in addition, the insulin mixture is set at the lowest price, it is estimated that blood sugar will considerably raise. so, watchful BGL monitoring is compulsory to monitor efficiency of treatment Keep insulin infusion, as insulin manages ultimately will run out. Whole cessation of insulin may consequence to ketoacidosis. There is an impair usage of glucose as a variety of energy; the body make use of fat as a alternate which consequences to ketone formation. too much ketones can be a life threatening trouble due to intense acidosis. Reduce insulin infusion and stimulate the rapid reaction team if patient befall semi-comatose from hypoglycemia. As argue by Brown Edwards, hypoglycemia causes brain energy deficiency. A decrease in the insulin should reduce the probability of a further fall in glucose levels. Instant warning of RRT to intrude is crucial to check further corrosion of patient. Predominantly, harsh hypoglycemia is like to hypoxia, within minutes patients contain grave brain harm; therefore instant interference should be applied. It is the duty of Nurses to provide a safe and quality care. However, work in the ward can be very challenging; therefore, nurses must learn how to prioritize care. The fresh graduate nurse was incapable to document clarification and manage prescription in advance due. These actions are authentic apprehensions in the excellence of care give to patient as this can hurt patients; it is the job of the registered nurse to supply secure and appropriate supply of medications. Prioritization and allocation of care are necessary mechanism of cooperation in the nursing career; vigilant thought of the availability of assets and staff, their experience and work responsibilities. A nurse head overlook and administer the registered nurses. in addition, they offer update on condition of patients and assessment of care. CNS can offer maintain for new graduate registered nurses, in conditions of medication confirmation or specialist advices on exact nursing care., EEN’s can also support in manage medication .AIN’s are an vital part of the group. They can give basic nursing heed, support in activities of everyday living of patients and examination of vital signs. Allocation of work to additional member of the healthcare team is essential in completion of tasks. Fresh graduate nurses can also dialog with team leaders and the NUM in regards to issues in their responsibilities. During collaboration workload is common; as a result, this provides finest care and decrease burnout in the place of work Airway obstacle for a patient with tracheostomy is a main concern. The patient is coughing regularly and vehemently with blood stain sputum. This is a sign of extreme mucus accumulation and trauma in the airway. Obstruction from dry emission and mucus plugs, bleeding and irritation from the tube friction against the exterior lining of the respiratory tract are important issues of a patient with a tracheostomy Phillip is the uppermost main concern while airway barrier indicates a life threatening position; therefore a speedy reply should be started. Whereas waiting, the nurse should carry out a most important review to establish the acuteness of condition beside with appropriate clinical interference. Suctioning is very important for clients not capable to clear their airway efficiently. Saline is used an irrigation for solid emissions. It does not consider the secretions; however, it wet the airway, loosens mucus, and arouses an effective cough. Furthermore, supply oxygen 100% by means of bag valve mask or frankly in the tracheostomy. Hyperoxygenation of the patient is necessary as protracted suctioning can cause hypoxemia itself. Hypoxia lasting more than 4 minutes may possibly cause cardiopulmonary arrest and irreversible brain damage; therefore, enduring vital surveillance monitoring particularly oxygen saturation is necessary In bed 3 also has a critical distress but this can be delayed for the intervening time after the patient with an airway compromise is attended. In addition, pantoprazole’s half-life is just about an hour. Basically, a few minutes postponement to the patient in bed 3 would not guide to a life frightening situation
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