Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Background of the Catholic Church Essay - 4406 Words
Background In the Western world, the schism within the Catholic Church has made its most significant impact due to rapid changes in social standards. Of greatest importance is the evolution of modern society and their response to the reverberated traditions of the Catholic Church as well as the evolving Protestant sects. In consequence of increases in technology and science, modern society has redefined its acceptable and moral behavioral standards within a social setting, whereas, the Catholic Church stands firm in its doctrines despite social and moral movements in the twentieth century. Except for the Second Vatican Council and the Council of Trent, the Roman Catholic Church has not worked to revise its religious traditions in†¦show more content†¦I don’t believe that religious conversions need to take place, rather religious communication and understanding. The intolerance perpetuated by Catholicism is a feeling that I had at one point entertained in accordance with my Church’s attitude. It is only now, after exploring other religious services, I realize the ignorance that intolerance perpetuates and I have grown spiritually from this revelation. Upon these grounds I propose that it is reasonable and necessary to draw parallels between Protestant and Catholic religious services as a start to narrow the gap between Catholics and Protestants. It is in this acknowledgment of apparent similarities in worship that Protestants and Catholics would be able to appreciate each other for what they believe both religiously and socially. Whether or not people realize this point, religion even while separated from the state, influences how each individual approaches and interacts with another. The split between religion and state widened a gap within humanity. By fostering new relationships and new parallels within differing religions, this gap will begin to close. Since the Protestant Churches arose due to the Reformation and a separation from the authority of the Roman Catholic Church, there may exist Protestant rituals that parallel Catholic rituals. Moreover, byShow MoreRelatedMy Visit to St. Peters Catholic Church in Charlotte, North Carolina1452 Words  | 6 Pages The Catholic Church is the oldest major religion in the Western world. Littered with peace, love, and humility, along with violence, turmoil, and controversy this institution has seen, heard, led, and had influence over the majority of everything and everybody that there was in the last two millennia. This has included ordinary people, Kings, Queens, Generals, Nobleman, Royalty, and everything in between, and has endured since the beginning of the modern era, Anno Domini. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
The War On Drugs And The United States - 1506 Words
When, in 1971, Richard Nixon infamously declared a â€Å"war on drugs†it would have been nearly impossible for him to predict the collective sense of disapprobation which would come to accompany the now ubiquitous term. It would have been difficult for him to predict that the drug war would become a hot topic, a highly contentious and polarizing point of debate and, it would have difficult for him to predict that the United States would eventually become the prison capital of the world, incarcerating, proportionally, more people than anywhere in the world. Today, beyond being a popular political talking point, mass incarceration has become a veritable crisis. The United States now has over 2 million citizens languishing in prisons -- far and away in the most in the globe, and a nearly 68% recidivism rate. Most Americans are quick to blame the dire state of mass incarceration in the United States today on the punitive drug war policies instituted by the likes of Ronald Reagan , and Richard Nixon; however the reality is much more equivocal. Further analysis of mass incarceration - its causes and factors - in reality reveals a much less black and white situation: While these severe drug war policies played almost undoubtedly an integral role in creating the American system of mass incarceration, they are only a segment, emblematic of a larger systemic crisis of draconian, â€Å"tough-on-crime†penalties, which over the last forty years placed more Americans in prison than any otherShow MoreRelatedThe War On Drugs And The United States956 Words  | 4 PagesThe War on Drugs has become an epidemic today that has afflicted in the United States and the United Nations; both are influenced by international drug laws which preserve the criminal justice system. These new laws promote an ineffective policies on the war on drugs. Therefore, communities are locked while the promotion of illicit drugs become the dominate framework to organized crimes. Today, the war on drugs continues to be an ongoing battle within our society. This paper will examine these issuesRead MoreDrug Wars : The United States1643 Words  | 7 PagesDrug Wars. When people hear the term â€Å"Drug Wars†they think that the cause of all the Drugs and Violence flowing through into the United States, is all Mexico’s fault, that Mexico is the cause of so many deaths and a War that the United States thinks it’s â€Å"Winning†, but they are not even making a little dent. Interestingly enough, Mexico is not the only cause of this War going on around the Border, The United States plays a big role around the Drug Wars as well. THE TIES THE U.S. HAS WITH MEXICANRead MoreThe War On Drugs And The United States1555 Words  | 7 PagesThe War on Drugs has been an ongoing effect ever since the Civil War introduced the drug morphine to the world. In the years since people have been coming up with drugs more lethal than morphine such as cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, and so on and so forth. The War on Drugs is dangerous and leads to many deaths throughout the years. America has set up agencies such as the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and other drug task force teams throughout the United States. Even though we may not be ableRead MoreThe War On Drugs And The United States1063 Words  | 5 PagesThe War on Drugs has become an epidemic today afflicting United States and the United Nations; which are swayed by global drug laws which preserve the criminal justice system. These new laws promote an ineffective policy on the war on drug. Therefore, communities are locked while the promotion of illicit drugs bec omes the dominate framework to organized crimes. Today, the war on drugs continues to be an ongoing battle within our society. This paper will examine these issues focusing primarily onRead MoreThe War On Drugs And The United States1063 Words  | 5 PagesThe War on Drugs has become an epidemic today afflicting United States and the United Nations; which are swayed by global drug laws which preserve the criminal justice system. These new laws promote an ineffective policies on the war on drug. Therefore, communities are locked while the promotion of illicit drugs becomes the dominate framework to organized crimes. Today, the war on drugs continues to be an ongoing battle within our society. This paper will examine these issues focusing primarily onRead MoreThe Drug War Of The United States1626 Words  | 7 PagesThe drug war in the U.S. has been waged on civil fronts for over four decades and has not only proven to be not only futile but at times even more damaging to society than the drugs themselves. The once virtuous intent of this ‘war’ has been corrupted by police unions and dirty politicians who have turned it into a carefully crafted system of capitalistic enterprise, designed push their political agenda by perpetuating the myth that drugs are the primary threat to our nation. Zero tolerance lawsRead MoreThe United State War On Drugs1005 Words  | 5 PagesThe United States government has been wasting millions of dollars each year on a worthless war that cannot be won. This war is explained in detail by author Art Caden in their essay â€Å"Let’s Be Blunt†about the United State war on drugs. The war on drugs began in 1971 under the order of President Richard Nixon, and it was one of the worst decisions he ever made. It has been nothing but a waste of government funding, time, and manpower that can only be described as a dismal failure and should be repealedRead MoreThe War On Drugs And The United States871 Words  | 4 Pages In the United States crime rates have been on a decline for years, but the United States still has the largest number of people incarcerated in the world. The â€Å"war on drugs†as well as policy’s by the government to be â€Å"tough on crime†has lead to the uprising of corporate prisons, which are known as for-profit prisons, and private prisons. Private prisons have also lead to States, and federal prisons to become worse when it comes to programs to rehabilitate those who are incarcerated, so thatRead MoreUnited States War On Drugs Essay1575 Words  | 7 PagesHumanities Independent Research Essay Thompson Lin Block B 10-1 Research Question: To what extent has the United States’ â€Å"War on Drugs†been successful in reducing illicit drug abuse in the country? The â€Å"War on Drugs†is a term generally referred in America to the campaign aiming to reduce drug abuse in the country. The term first appeared in July 18 1971, when former U.S. President Richard Nixon started the campaign. However, on April 9, 2015, President Obama publicly announced that the policyRead MoreThe War On Drugs And The United States Essay2046 Words  | 9 PagesFor many years, drugs have been the center of crime and the criminal justice system in the United States. Due to this widespread epidemic, President Richard Nixon declared the â€Å"War on Drugs†in 1971 with a campaign that promoted the prohibition of illicit substances and implemented policies to discourage the overall production, distribution, and consumption. The War on Drugs and the U.S. drug policy has experienced the most significant and complex challenges between criminal law and the values of
Saturday, December 14, 2019
What is Market Segmentation Free Essays
string(89) " change for their age factors they may still wish to consumer the same type of products\." 1. What do you understand by the term Market? Marketing is followed by the different way of processes that may included the success of marketing and involves of marketing research selling product, sales promotion, product and services and main thing of consumer satisfaction and their need and wants. Main things of marketing to envolved and meet the developing of new markets caused by mature markets and over capacities in the last 2-3 centuries. We will write a custom essay sample on What is Market Segmentation? or any similar topic only for you Order Now The increased of marketing strategies requires to focus of production and needs and wants of customer means the satisfaction of customer means of staying profitable. (wikipedia.org/wiki/Marketing) Marketing is a social and managerial process and also individual and groups means the chain of process, groups obtain want and needs are creating , offering and exchanging of product of value with others product (Kotler 1997. 9th edition) Marketing is an organisational function it obtain to process for creating communicating and delivering value of customer and managing of customer relationship in the way of benefit the organisation and its stakeholders. 2. Market Segmentation:- Markets segmentation divided in to two groups heterogenous, homogenous. The aims for segmentation a market is to allow your marketing/sales programmed to focus on the subset of prospects that are most likely to purchase a offer for customer. Example:- Tata have started a new Mercedes Benz care in India . Many people have need car like Maruti , Santro but they may not need like Mercedes car. They all are happy with santro and maruti. Some people are interested in a luxuary car, but may not be interested in Mercedes . Some people may be interested Mercedes but they are not able to afford of Rs. 32lakh. Thus, the market for Mercedes is a very small part of luxuary car markets(Ananksha Goswami) A market segment unity of a group of customers within a market who share a similar level of interest in the same. Or comparable, set of needs. Levels Of Market Segmentation:- It is discussed in importance of segmentation that consumer have a different needs and good seller have satisfied consumer needs and wants . That’s why market segmentation can be carried out of a different levels of segments. (www.mba.com) 1) Mass Marketing:- In simple words seller offer same product for all the buyers with different needs and seller engages in mass production, mass distribution, and mass promotion of one product for all buyers. 2) Niche Marketing:- A niche is a defined more closely group, It is dividing the segment in to sub segments it can be divided that identifying the distinct of consumer which might special needs and benefits this sub segments are made for those consumer whose needs and wants are not satisfied. 3) Local Marketing:- It depends upon the brand and promoting and to needs and wants of local customer and the design marketing programmed depends upon local consumer group like nearest consumer, Neighborhoods and even specific stores. 4) Individual Marketing:- Individual Marketing knows as the satisfying of needs and wants of individual customer, it means one-to-one marketing and customized marketing it is the segment level where seller offer customized product to the consumer . How to identify the market differnation from one another 3. Why Segment The Market / Reasons Of Market Segmetation:- The market segmentation benefits in different ways. It helps the market to pick up the market targets, and hence research how markets differ from one another. It does this by distinguishing one customer group from other within the market and by showing which segment of the market matters to its situation and should, hence form its target market. Following are the different points of view for the differentiation of market one another. 1) Facilities effective of the chosen market:- Segmentation depends upon the market and understanding the needs of each the chosen segment, when the buyers are handled the after the segmentation and the response for each segment will be more homogeneous. In product distribution and pricing for matching the particular customer group and developing the marketing offers. 2) Marketing effort more efficient and economic:- Segmentation is more important of marketing efficient and economic, marketing effort is concentrated or selected for well defined segment after all for most firms. If efforts were concentrated on select the segments the ones that match the firms resources and are most productive and profitable. 3) Helps Identify Less Satisfied Segments and Concentrate on Them:- Segmentation also helps the marketer to asses to what extent existing offers in the market matches the needs of different customer segments and which are the less satisfied segments. 4. Market Can Be Segmented Using Several Bases:- A market/consumer population for a product can be segmented using several bases Geographic Demographic Psychographic Behavioral 1) Geographic Segment:- Geographical segmentation tries to divided in to different market geographical units: these units depends on political boundaries, climate regions, population boundaries Countries: perhaps categorized by size, development or membership of geographic region. a) City / Town size: e.g. population within ranges or above a certain level. b) Population density: e.g. urban, suburban, rural, semi-rural. c) Climate: according to weather patterns common to certain geographic regions For Example:- Geographic segmentation aims the product consumption of different patterns , people in different area like some people in India and some in Kenya in India(kokan and goa) found in stple grain and fish available from sea. Southern area found in a coffee and northern area tea , and the international market products are made according to their needs like soft drink when added a glass of water with lots of sugar, in India complexion cream fair and lovely only sell by India. 2) Demographic Segmentation:- Consists of dividing the market into groups based on variables such as age, gender family size, income, occupation, education, religion, race and nationality. As you might expect, demographic segmentation variables are amongst the most popular bases for segmenting customer groups. The main demographic segmentation variables are summarized below : Age:- Consumer need and ants change for their age factors they may still wish to consumer the same type of products. You read "What is Market Segmentation?" in category "Essay examples" So defiened the different types of product, packing, promote the product differently to meet the wants of different age groups. Example for the market of different type of soap and body wash ( the branding soap like Dove and dove body wash use for adults and childrens) Life-cycle stage:- A consumer stage in the life-cycle is an important variable – principally in markets such as spare time and sightseeing. For example, contrast the product and promotional approach of Club 18-30 holidays with the slightly more refined and dignified loom adopted beside Saga Holidays. Gender:- Gender segmentation is widely used in consumer marketing. The best examples include clothing, hairdressing, magazines and toiletries and cosmetics. Income:- Many companies target affluent consumers with luxury goods and convenience services. Good examples include Coutts bank; Moet Chandon champagne and Elegant Resorts – an up-market travel company. By contrast, many companies focus on marketing products that appeal directly to consumers with relatively low incomes. Examples include Aldi (a discount food retailer), Airtours holidays, and discount clothing retailers such as TK Maxx. Social class:- Many Marketers believe that a consumers â€Å"perceived†social class influences their preferences for cars, clothes, home furnishings, leisure activities and other products services. There is a clear link here with income-based segmentation. Lifestyle:- Marketers are increasingly interested in the effect of consumer â€Å"lifestyles†on demand. Unfortunately, there are many different lifestyle categorization systems, many of them designed by advertising and marketing agencies as a way of winning new marketing clients and campaigns. Example:- Zee Televisions deals with variety of channels regional channel, sports channel, movie channel. Peri-peri has both veg and non veg burger and also McDonald has veg burger for vegetarian and non veg burger for non vegetarian. 3) Psychographic Segmentation :- Psychographic segmentation groups according to customer and their life style, many manufacturer or company product offers based on their attitudes, beliefs and efforts or emotions of their target of market. The desires for status, enhanced somebody look like and more money of psychographic variables. Psychographic segmentation helps in repositioning, launch of new products and brand extension: Segmentation consumer based on psychographic rest on identifying consumer state of mind and hence helpsin piecing together a more inclusive profile of target consumer. Buying Behavior Segmentation :- Markets can be segmented on the basis of buyer behavior as well. Since all Segmentation is in a way related to buyer behavior, one might be tempted to ask why buyer behavior-based segmentation should be a separate method. It is because there is some distinction between buyer’s characteristics that are reflected by their geographic, demographic and psychographic profiles, and their buying behavior. Marketers often find practical benefit in using buying behavior as a separate segmentation base in addition to bases like geographic, demographics, a psychographics. The primary idea in buyer behavior segmentation is that different customer groups expect different benefits from the same product and accordingly, they will be different in their motives in owing it and their behavior in buying it. Variables of buyer behavior are:- Benefit sought: – Quality / economy / service / look etc of the product. Example:– Nestle has found a separate segment atta noodles as distinct from the maida noodles. Usage rate: – Heavy user / moderate user / light user of a product. User status: – Regular / potential / first time user / irregular /occasional. Loyalty to brand: – Hard core loyal / split loyal / shifting / switches. Occasion: – Holidays and occasion stimulate customer to purchase products. Attitude toward offering: – Enthusiastic / positive attitude / negative attitude / indifferent / hostile.(www.bizzed.co.uk) Example:- Shampoos, soap and all FMCG products buying behavior segmentation is used. 5. Market Criterial For Effective Segmentation in Sales/marketing Management A decision to use a market segmentation strategy should rest on consideration of four important criteria that affect its profitability. (www.citemannetwork) 1) Accessible:– The firm has to now consider whether the segments are accessible to it. This may need further analysis. The market realities will have to be taken into consideration. The popular segment will be accessible only to the firm with a cost advantage, since price is a major determinant in this segment. Liril of Hindustan Lever has a commanding position in this segment. At the upper end of the segment, HLL’s Pears and Dove are well entrenched. Several other brands of different companies are competing in the segment. 2) Identifiable and measurable: – Segments must be identifiable so that the market can determine which consumers belong to a segment and which do not. However, there may be a problem with the segment’s measurability (that is, the amount of information available on specific buyer characteristics) because numerous variables (e.g. psychological factors) are difficult, if not impossible, to measure at the present time. For example, if the marketer discovered that consumers who perspire profusely favored a particular brand, very little could be done with this information since such a group would be difficult to measure and identify for segmentation purposes. 3) Substantial:- This collection refers to the degree to which a chosen segment is large enough to support profitably a separate marketing program. As was noted preciously a strategy of market segmentation is costly. Thus, one must carefully consider not only the number of customers available in a segment but also the amount of their purchasing power. 4) Responsive:- There is little to justify the development of a separate and unique marketing program for a target segment unless it responds uniquely to these efforts. Therefore, the problem is to identify market segments that will respond favorably to marketing programs designed specifically for them. 6. Identifing Market Segmentation And Market Target :- There are five different patterns of target market selection: 1. Single Segment Concentration:- Also known as the â€Å"be a big fish in a small pound†strategy is, based on the generic competitive strategy-Focus. Through concentrated marketing, an industry achieves a strong understanding of the segment’s needs, develops competitive advantages to accomplish a strong presence in the given segment. Through segment leadership, it captures an elevated return on investment. 2. Selective Specialization:- The company may decide to target several segments, but may be selective about the segments to target. This multi-segment strategy has the benefit of spreading a firm’s hazard and gives it larger presence in an industry. 3. Product Specialization:- A firm specializes in a specific product and vends it to numerous segments. A firm may specialize in water purifiers and may decide to target homes, institutions, commercial research labs, and government establishments. For each market segment it targets the company would have to appropriately modify several elements of the marketing mix, but what it achieves is a strong repute in a particular product area. The disadvantage of this strategy is a technological revolution that may threaten the business of the company. 4. Market Specialization:- A firm concentrates on serving the various requirements of a specific customer group. For example, an online seller of books, who having built up a large customer base, diversifies into selling other products like music, cameras and other such assortments to the customer group. The firm achieves a well-built status in serving this customer group and turns out to be a channel for extra products that the customer segment can utilize. The disadvantage of this strategy is major shift in the attractiveness of the given market segment, would threaten the entire business of the company. 5. Full Market Coverage:- The company tries to cover all market segments through their products. Huge firms can take on a full market coverage approach. Firms can cover the market in two ways: through differentiated marketing or undifferentiated marketing. In undifferentiated marketing, the firm practices mass marketing by going after the entire market with one marketing mix. In differentiated marketing, the firm works in numerous markets, but designs an explicit marketing mix for each market segment, that it selects to target. Example of General Motors:- GM has identified about 40 different ‘customer needs’ and correspondingly, 40 different market segments in which it would present with its vehicles. For example, it has targeted the Pontiac at active, sports-oriented, young couples, the Chevrolet at price-conscious young families, the Oldsmobile at affluent families, and the Buick at older, more conservative couples. 7. Segment-Target-Postion:- The strategic marketing planning process flows from a mission and vision statement to the selection of target markets, and the formulation of specific marketing mix and positioning objective for each product or service the organization will offer. Leading authors like Kotler present the organization as a value creation and delivery sequence. In its first phase, choosing the value, the strategist â€Å"proceeds to segment the market, select the appropriate market target, and develop the offer’s value positioning. The formula – segmentation, targeting, positioning (STP) – is the essence of strategic marketing.†(Kotler, 1994, p. 93). The marketer would draw out the map and decide upon a label for each axis. They could be price (variable one) and quality (variable two), or Comfort (variable one) and price (variable two). The individual products are then mapped out next to each other Any gaps could be regarded as possible areas for new products. 8. EVALUATION OF THE SEGMENTS:- Whether market segmentation is successful or not can be evaluated by the following questions(slidshare.net ankasha 91) 1. Is it sizeable: – Size-wise, the popular segment is a bigger compared to the premium segment. In term of tonnage, of the total market of around 6, 00,000 tones, the popular segment account for 80 percent and the premium segment for the remaining 20 percent. If the firm wants a very large volume, it has to think of the popular segment. At the same time, it has to note that the premium segment too is sizeable, as it account for over 120,000 tones. In term of value, the premium segment is even more sizeable, formerly nearly 30 percent of the total market. Clearly, the segment cannot be ruled out as lacking in size. 2. Is it growing: – Growth rate and likely future position of the segment will be the next consideration in the evaluation processUsually, business firms seek out the high growth segments. Analysis will readily indicate to the firm that in bath soaps, the premium segment happens to be the high growth segment. Whereas the popular segment has been growing at 10 percent per annum, the premium segment has been growing at over 20 percent annum. When this fact is taken into consideration, the firm’s choice may tilt toward the premium segment. 3. Is it profitable: – Next consideration will be the extend of profitability. In the present example, the firms quickly sense that the premium segment is more profitable one. Even a relatively lower volume in the segment may bring in good returns. On the contrary, in the popular segment, a much larger volume will be necessary for the business to be viable, since prices and margins in the segment are low. Another point is that costs of marketing, distribution and promotion in the business are quite high and are constantly on the rise. Costs of launching a new brand are particularly high. The market is very competitive, aggressive promotional support through expensive media like TV becomes essential. 4. Is it accessible: – The firm has to now consider whether the segments are accessible to it. This may need further analysis. The market realities will have to be taken into consideration. The popular segment will be accessible only to the firm with a cost advantage, since price is a major determinant in this segment. Premium segment will be accessible only to firms, which enjoy a differentiation advantage, and which are also marketing savvy. Liril of Hindustan Lever has a commanding position in this segment. At the upper end of the segment, HLL’s Pears and Dove are well entrenched. Several other brands of different companies are competing in the segment. Conclusion:- Principle of market segmentation is that the product and services needs of individual customers differ. Market segmentation involves the grouping of customers together with the aim of better satisfying their needs whilst maintaining economies of scale. It consists of three stages and if properly executed should deliver more satisfied customers, few direct confrontations with competitors, and better designed marketing programmes. Segmentation depends the differentiation of market starategy and the achieve of goals that the main important thing with segment market don’t have achieve the target, market segmentation of different ways that the concludes are Segmentation to helps the market to pick up the market targets and that the differentaion of main thing is bases of segmentation they decided the all level of ages customer needs and wants. Segments must be identifiable so that the market can determine which consumers belong to a segment and which do not This collection refers t o the degree to which a chosen segment is large enough to support profitably a separate marketing program. As was noted preciously a strategy of market segmentation is costly. Thus, one must carefully consider not only the number of customers available in a segment but also the amount of their purchasing power. References:- 1) introduction. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marketing. 2) Kotler, Philip (1997), Marketing Management, 9th Ed., Prentice Hall, New Jersey. 3) Market Segmentation. slideshare.net,akanksha91,market-segmentation.( student of bhilai business school) 4) MarketSegmentDefinition. http://www.marketsegmentation.co.uk/segmentation_tmsc.html. 5) Levels of market segmentation. http://www.content4reprint.com/marketing/branding/levels-of-market-Segmentation.htm. 6) Levels of market segmentation http://www.mba-tutorials.com/marketing/211-levels-of-market-segmentation..html/ankasha 91 7) Reasons Of Market Segmention: http://tutor2u.net/business/marketing/segmention_why.asp 8) Shewe,charlesed.(2009-2010). Market Can Be Segmented Using Several Bases: http://www.quickmba.com/Marketing/market-segmentation. 9) ankansha 91.(2010). www.slideshare.net91 10) Market Criteria for effective Segmentation in Sales / Marketing Management.http://www.citeman.com/7492 Market-criteria-for-effective-segmentation(2009). 11) ht Jorge A. Restrepo. (1994). Segment-Target-Position. http://www.eurkafacts.com/STPArticle.pdf. 12) Kotler, Philip. Marketing Management, 1997, 9th edition, pp. 249-268. How to cite What is Market Segmentation?, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Jefferson vs Hamilton Debate free essay sample
Jefferson V. S Hamilton Debate Question †¢How did Jefferson’s ideals of government differ from those of Hamilton? Jefferson believed in strong states which would in return better control the government while also benefiting us while Hamilton believed in strong central government where the states would have limited power and the elite would have a say in government while also basing the economy on industry and large national debt. †¢Why was Jefferson’s support focused mainly on the â€Å"common†man such as farmers? Jefferson’s support mainly focused on the â€Å"common†man because of the fact that he in fact was a farmer. †¢Why did Jefferson advocate a â€Å"strict†interpretation of the Constitution? Jefferson advocated a â€Å"strict†government in order to hinder the rising of a strong central government. †¢Why did Jefferson appose Hamilton’s ideas of a national bank and the creation of a national debt? The south had already paid their debtâ€â€would be supporting the northern states. We will write a custom essay sample on Jefferson vs Hamilton Debate or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page †¢ What were Jefferson’s beliefs on the individual state’s power? He believed that the country was too large to be appropriately controlled by a strong central government. He concurred that if the government was controlled more by the states, that the people would benefit more. †¢ Through what means did Jefferson believe the economy would prosper? Agriculturally †¢ Why did Jefferson support the French Revolution? The French supported us during our own revolution. †¢In what ways did Jefferson feel that the people should control the government? He believed that the government should be mainly controlled by the states, which in return would lead to a more people controlled government. †¢ What were Jefferson’s beliefs on the whiskey tax? That it was wrongâ€â€it is the farmer’s excess wheat and are free to do with it what they want. †¢ Are any ideas of Jefferson are used in today’s government? Yes, however today’s government is based upon the composition of ideas of both Hamilton and Jefferson.
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