Monday, August 24, 2020
The early life of Karl Marx essays
The early existence of Karl Marx expositions Karl Marxs early life was critical in molding the manner in which he pondered society and governments and what he thought could improve them, and his encounters and up-bringing made him an expert socialist essayist and adherent. Karl Marx was conceived on May fifth in the year 1818. He was conceived in the humble community of Trier, Germany. Trier is situated in Western Germany close to France and is viewed as the most French-like city of Germany. Trier was worked by the Romans and lies in the core of the wine district which makes vineyards the chief business of Trier. The city numbered somewhere in the range of 12,000 individuals back in Marxs time. Trier was once part of Napoleons realm, however was joined into Prussia by 1815. Western Germany was for the most part possessed by the Jewish. Numerous Jews changed over to Catholicism because of the Jewish confidence not being preferred by government pioneers. Marx was naturally introduced to a white collar class Jewish family. His mom and father were both Jewish. His dad, being the leader of the family, changed over to Catholicism. Judaism was not acknowledged particularly for the dad of the family. Judaism was passed somewhere near Marxs granddad being a Rabbi and a dedicated Jew. Marxs mother would not change over to Catholicism, yet permitted each of the seven of her youngsters to be purified through water. The Jews had profited incredibly from Napoleons exercises. Napoleons exercises had broken a large number of the obstructions that had made the Jewish Ghetto . Jews were incorporated more all through society. Napoleons rout hurt the Jews and brought back the Ghetto . It additionally made a large number of them convert to Catholicism on account of the dread of being mistreated and the way that the German Princes were not pleasant to the Jews. Likewise numerous enemy of Jewish untruths were made in 1816, so Marxs father took the name Heinrich Marx and was acknowledged into the Catholic church in 1817. Heinrich was not a virtuoso but rather he was a shrewd individual. One of Karls cites ... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Obama Presidency Essay
The Obama Presidency Essay Free Online Research Papers Unquestionably with regards to the 2008 presidential political race congressperson Barack Obama is at the highest priority on the rundown. Barack Obama was the fifth African American representative in the assembled state’s history and the main African American as of now serving in the United States Senate. Representative Obama had quite recently served three years in the Senate in Illinois before his declaration to run for the administration. Yet, after November 3, 2008, America Brought about change and without precedent for American history chose the principal African American president, Barack Obama. As I would like to think, he is an exceptionally energetic speaker and is a backer for a superior America. President Obama was an applicant that fanned out to every single ideological group. After perusing me Obama book CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN I ran over some fascinating strategies and political difficulties that we as Americans are looking in this crucial time. The principle political view that drew my consideration was that precedent’s Obama plan to reinforce social equality and battle for a more pleasant equity framework, end racial profiling and ensure the option to cast a ballot just helped ones self to remember all the shameful acts that we as a country despite everything need to survive. The American individuals could have not assigned a superior man. Barack Obama’s record justifies itself with real evidence. President Obama has attempted to advance common right and reasonableness in the criminal equity framework all through his profession. As a network coordinator, Obama helped 150,000 African Americans register to cast a ballot. As a social equality lawyer, Obama contested work segregation, lodging separation, and casting a ballot right cases. As a representative, Obama passed one of the nations first racial profiling laws he has been a main supporter in securing the rights to cast a ballot and serving to reauthorize t he democratic rights act and driving resistance against prejudicial obstructions to cast a ballot and will work to uphold common right laws. The entirety of this you inquire. How or what does the appointment of Barack Obama, the main African-American President, intends to me and my family. On the off chance that there is anybody out there who despite everything questions that America is where everything are conceivable; who despite everything thinks about whether the fantasy of our organizers is alive presently; who despite everything addresses the intensity of our vote based system, Today is your answer President-Elect Barack Obama couldn't have said it better. At the point when he discussed all the individuals who had seeks after this country, being the rich and the poor the Democrats and the Republicans, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay striate, incapacitated and not handicapped. ALL PEOPLE. This change has been a change that has influenced the whole world. Not only for this country, This has made an impression on all the world that we are an incredible people. I originated from a predominant white family experiencing childhood, in a town where I had never observed any African American individuals. My family had no connections to any dark African Americans whatsoever. So as I grew up, I experienced childhood in an extremely poor neighborhood. I can recall my folks saying something regarding a major downturn and I can recollect President Regan. I never truly focused, most likely in light of the fact that I was a child who didn’t care. I do recollect growing up poor however. My folks made some hard memories when we became ill. We didn’t have clinical cards, since we were poor that we could simply go to the specialist. We just didn’t go. My mom was a sort of an old witch specialist. She would give every one of us sorts of tinctures and home grown cures she developed in her nursery. This was not on the grounds that she needed as well but since of need. Medicinal services has been terrible in our country for quite a while. I trust I was eight and now I am 40 we despite everything have the equivalent possibly more awful social insurance issues. Rather than it costing 25.00 to see a doctor it costs 75.00 and without protection, the workplace needs installment in advance. It’s not simply the specialists and doctors. The medication organizations are loathsome moreover. On the off chance that you are old or on a fixed salary, it is practically difficult to buy drug that costs 120.00 per bottle. Sure Walmart has 200 solutions for four dollars each however how regularly would you be able to be so fortunate to get the ones on their rundowns. It’s not simply the clinical field. It’s the gas business, the car business, the electric organizations the gas organizations, the lodging enterprises. Individuals left and right are losing their homes to abandonments. Our economy is in disturbance our downturn is the most profound it’s been in 30 years. Also, this all influences me and my loved ones. Out of nowhere, we have a presidential candidate who is from a humble birth, A child of a single parent, who grew up raised by his grandma. Like such a significant number of other customary poor Americans, and who, just so happens to be biracial. I know the papers and media identify with President Barack Obama as a Black Man, yet in actuality, he is Mixed. Presently in my grown-up life, this means the world to me. Ten years back I met an African-American Man whom I discovered I shared more for all intents and purpose with than any one man, white or dark. I had been hitched to a man with a dysfunctional behavior for a long time and experienced destitution and absence of clinical treatment for him. At last, following 12 years I was unable to manage the issues of being penniless and itinerant, moving starting with one town then onto the next, poor and hauling my youngsters with me, one school after another. I at long last settled down and chose to remain. I got a home in a nearby low-pay lodging program where my lease was free and I was given an enhancement for the utilities. I had four little girls whom I stressed over intellectually, truly and inwardly. Everything was functioning admirably for me. At that point I met Lee, a Black man one of the main Black men in my town. At the time there were just two living in this little extremely bi got town of around 3,000 individuals. I attempted to have Lee move in with me the lodging program director bent over backward to shield Lee from moving into my home with me. At last, I was removed in light of the fact that he was gotten on my property by a neighbor who told. This for his being dark. We moved to another house in a similar town. Subsequent to being together for quite a while we chose to get hitched. Thus, we at that point had four kids together. Experiencing the entirety of this, was the one idea, by what means will my kids be acknowledged, Will my youngsters be acknowledged. Particularly in this town. Step by step more Blacks have moved into my town and the acknowledgment is developing. My youngsters go to class with six other blended interracial dark/white kids. The interracial issues in our general public as I see it relies a little upon where you live. On the off chance that you live in the southern states, the bigot issues are high. Both for dark and for white. For Mixed interracial kids are as yet looked downward on, treated as not equivalent in mental capacities as white Caucasian kids. We like to feel that we have moved beyond this component of bigotry however it really exists. Furthermore, for me, I didn’t see it until I had blended kids and hitched a Black man myself. I have been turned down for employments, got some distance from places of worship, companions have dismissed me for being with a dark man. Indeed, even my own family has dismissed me first in view of my decision to wed a dark man, second in light of my decision to have youngsters with him. Our general public has gone along route from the times of Slavery, yet a portion of the regular old emotions thoughts despite everything exist isolation despite everything exists in various structures. Presently in the 2008 Presidential Election, we have a Mixed interracial chosen one who discusses all the issues in our general public, he sees how it is to be poor. To scratch for food, to battle for heat in the winter, to remain in long queues for food, and clinical consideration. For the poor as well as for the old and for the entirety of our countries individuals. We NEED a change. We need an a momentous development to push us toward another path as a country and as a people. What sort of a general public will my youngsters experience childhood in? I won’t be here for eternity. In what manner will my little girl and my child be treated in school and in the public eye as an interracial American? For this has tormented me since I discovered I was anticipating them. Presently as the Elected President Barack Obama, we as a country have ignored his shading, group his uplifting statements and trusted that this Man of shading can bring us into another age of Pride in ourselves, d isregarding the shade of ones skin, to meet up as a country and as a people. Regardless of whether Barack Obama is for you or not, the message is for everybody. Get included, trust you can have any kind of effect. Let us bring another soul of enthusiasm; of administration and obligation where every one of us makes plans to contribute and work more diligently and care for ourselves as well as one another. In the entirety of this, it is my expectation that we settled on the correct decision. This is the means by which I accept that. The appointment of Barack Obama has influenced me and my family, and furthermore my country. Research Papers on The Obama Presidency EssayMr. Obama and IranEssay on â€Å"I have a Dream†Dr KingEmployment Law EssayEmmett Till BiographyThe Equal Rights AmendmentRacism and InjusticeLegalization of Same Sex MarriagesBooker T. Washington, W.E.B. Du Bois, Ida B. Wells-BarnettCash or Card?Government Funding Essay
Thursday, July 16, 2020
How to Recognize a Meth Lab
How to Recognize a Meth Lab Addiction Drug Use Meth Print How to Recognize a Meth Lab There are some tell-tale signs that illegal drug activity is occurring By Buddy T facebook twitter Buddy T is an anonymous writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism. Learn about our editorial policy Buddy T Updated on December 05, 2019 Fiona Goodall / Stringer / Getty Images More in Addiction Drug Use Meth Cocaine Heroin Marijuana Ecstasy/MDMA Hallucinogens Opioids Prescription Medications Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery The ingredients used to make methamphetamine in clandestine laboratories are generally household products that by themselves present little danger, but when combined can have serious toxic and explosive effects. If you came in contact with a methamphetamine lab operation, would you recognize it? What ingredients and equipment would be present? What should you do if you find a meth lab? Ingredients of Meth Most of the chemicals used to make methamphetamine are not dangerous, but some of them are hazardous. They can include everything from acetone to drain cleaner to cold tablets.?? Battery acid, paint thinner, and freon (yes, like youd find in an air conditioning unit) are possible ingredients too. If you see any of the above ingredients stockpiled in greater than usual amounts, it could be an indication that someone is operating a meth lab. Meth Laboratory Indicators The equipment and processes used to produce meth can also reveal the existence of a clandestine methamphetamine laboratory.?? According to the U.S. Department of Justice, there are some things to look for that may seem innocent enough at first glance, but which may indicate a meth lab is nearby.?? Here are a few tell-tale signs: Propane tanks with fittings that have turned blue, an unusual amount of cold pills containing ephedrine or pseudoephedrine, and coffee filters with a white pasty substance or shiny white crystals A strong chemical odor. Sometimes it can smell like urine.Glass cookware or frying pans with powdery residue, bottles with rubber tubing attached and other chemicals Many of the above items are found in normal household products, but if they are gathered together in higher than usual amounts, it could indicate meth production activity.?? Recognizing a Meth Lab From the Outside If there is a meth lab inside a building, there may be some indications that can be observed from outside. The meth-making process produces strong odors and toxic fumes which the makers will try to ventilate by any available means, even if it means opening windows in cold weather or installing fans and blowers, which makes the smell detectable outside the building. Meth makers will also dump toxic chemical waste outside which can cause dead spots or burned areas in the grass and vegetation. They also produce a great deal of trash which contains unusual items. Meth producers are breaking the law, so they will sometimes set up extensive security measures, some of which can be seen from outside, such as video cameras, baby monitors, no trespassing or keep out signs, and possibly guard dogs.?? Meth Lab Occupants May Provide Clues Sometimes the behavior of the occupants of a house or building can be clues to the illegal activity going on inside. You might see occupants of a building containing a meth lab:?? Exhibit paranoid behaviorStay inside for extended periodsSmoke outside to avoid explosionsHave frequent visitors especially at nightTake their garbage to another location What About Shake-and-Bake Meth-Making? The one-pot or shake and bake method of producing methamphetamine may produce a smaller amount of the drug, but can be even more dangerous.?? Because of the pressure that builds up inside the containers used, they can explode, badly burning or even killing the meth-maker. The process uses many of the same ingredients and produces the same trash as a regular meth lab (see above), just not as much of it. The containers used (typically two-liter soda bottles) are left with a brown chemical stain inside. Because the shake-and-bake method can be done anywhereâ€"even in a vehicleâ€"there is not much evidence left of the activity except the trash left behind and the discarded containers. What to Do if You Find a Meth Lab Do not touch anything in the lab area and do not sniff any containers. Do not turn any electrical power switches or light switches on or off. Do not open or move any of the containers with chemicals in them.?? Whatever you do, do not smoke, eat or drink anywhere near a suspected methamphetamine laboratory. If you come in contact with a meth lab, you should decontaminate yourself and your clothing as quickly as possible, wash your hands and face thoroughly, and call your local authorities. Cleaning up a clandestine meth lab is a dangerous and complicated process that should be handled by trained professionals. Do not attempt to clean up or dispose of a suspected meth lab yourself.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Essay Legalize Weed Yes or No - 742 Words
Since before the 1900’s, the United States has been battling with a seemingly unending debate. Should marijuana, otherwise known as ‘weed’, be legalized in the states? While most politicians say that legalizing marijuana would only be used as a ‘stepping-stone’ to more dangerous drugs like heroin or cocaine, it is my opinion to strongly disagree with this statement. Marijuana use can have medical pluses, yielding California’s decision to legalize marijuana for healing purposes. With the right regulations, marijuana should be fully legalized in the United States. Marijuana’s purpose is served to most as one of life’s pleasures. In most cases it causes temporary memory loss, loss of bodily motor skills, slurred speech, sleepiness, altered†¦show more content†¦Though all of these factors must be considered, one must also think about the reasons why legal weed could improve the quality of life. For various sicknesses, weed can act like morphine in dulling out reality and ‘Zenning’ a patient out until they reach a certain numbness. In TIME magazine, Andrew Ferguson states that â€Å"marijuana is addictive for 10% of regular usersâ€â€making it less addictive than alcohol (15%) and much less addictive than cigarettes (32%), which are, they point out, perfectly legal.†The main problem the government has with marijuana is the fact that the side effects directly hinder normal functioning, preventing people to make logical decisions and suffering from impaired judgment. However, does alcohol not do the sa me thing? Alcohol is 5% more addictive than marijuana and most vehicle accidents are directly involved with them. It’s all about the responsibility of the smoker. If the feds are worried about the misuse of the drug they could set aside specific places where the drug could be smoked and have people test their ability to function normally before they go out driving or leave the area. This would also decrease the number of drug dealers illegally dealing because citizens could easier get it from the government. This could help lower prices and at the same time lower crime rates from people not stealing it or trying to commit a crime to get the money to buy the weed. InsteadShow MoreRelatedThe Editorial Board At Northeast Ohio Media Group955 Words  | 4 PagesNo on ResponsibleOhio s flawed Issue 3 The editorial board at Northeast Ohio Media Group has an interesting take on Issue 3. â€Å"No on ResponsibleOhio s flawed Issue 3 seeking to legalize marijuana by creating constitutionally protected monopolies†is the name of the article in which they argue why Ohio should vote no on the issue. The article states â€Å"what will be on the November 3rd ballot is Issue 3 -- a measure that would enshrine within the Ohio Constitution a legal cartel for the cultivationRead MoreMedical Marijuana is the Future1140 Words  | 5 Pageshave legalized medical marijuana in their states. So why hasn’t Indiana legalize medical marijuana? Well there are three reason that could change Indiana’s mind. Medical marijuana should be legalized in the state of Indiana: it has proven to kill a portion of cancer, Indiana could charge tax on it, and marijuana is safer than alcohol and tobacco combined together. Those are just three important reason why Indiana should legalize medica l marijuana. Cannabis can kill a portion of cancer. Read MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal? Essay1304 Words  | 6 PagesCannabis commonly known as â€Å"weed†or â€Å"marijuana†has been around since the early 2700 B.C. for medicinal purposes. Now and days cannabis has more uses than medicinal reasonings, people use it as a drug and as a product to sell. Studies states that weed has no negative impact to the human body, unlike alcohol which causes brain damage, and serious mental health problems within short and long term useage but, yet it is legal. That brings up the question â€Å"why not legalize cannabis?†With the legalizationRead MoreThe Environment Alcohol And Marijuana1365 Words  | 6 Pagesor vodka) white was popular plus you could get it from your local bootleg (people selling alcohol without a license). I am very familiar with the term sense I was buying a pint of vodka for my grandmother from bootleg man since I was nine years old. Yes, I do know I was to young to be buying alcohol; my moth er had no knowledge of what I was doing and my grandmother did not care about involving me in her alcoholism. My friend’s parents were a little different they were giving them marijuana to smokeRead MoreThe Legalization Of Marijuana In California. To Recreationally1582 Words  | 7 PagesThe Legalization of Marijuana in California To recreationally legalize marijuana in California means to use it for not only for medical purposes as well as recreational purposes. In California today you are able to purchase marijuana legally from dispensary and no other places. Adults that posses more than an ounce of marijuana will continue to face misdemeanor charges, including a $500 fine and up to six months in jail. Adults 18 to 21 will continue to face a $100 infraction for marijuana possessionRead MorePro-Legalization of Drugs Essay examples1355 Words  | 6 Pagesis suffering rapid decay due to the never-ending war against drugs. Politicians make dramatic speeches advocating tougher drug laws to when there to when seats. But what has this war really accomplished? In fact would legalization benefit society. Yes. Legalization is an option that should be heavily considered. I will illustrate in detail how the economy will be positively impacted building a foundation toward ending the So call war on drugs with a w in for America as a whole. One of theRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?1160 Words  | 5 Pagesmy best memories, met some of the greatest people in my life and learned a lot about myself through cannabis. If you’ve ever seen someone who is addicted to hard drugs then you’d understand just how harmless weed is and the fact that it’s still illegal is ridiculous! Is marijuana addictive? Yes, in the sense that most of the really pleasant things in life are worth endlessly repeating. It’s proven that cannabis is less harmful to your body than alcohol and I can tell you from personal experience thatRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?986 Words  | 4 PagesThe flame ignites, the smoke builds, the mind relaxes. It’s a process that at one point, could have landed you in jail. But now, smoking pot in California, is legal. On Tuesday, November 8, 2016, California became the fifth state to legalize the recreational use of pot. By a margin of about 56% to 44%, voters passed Proposition 64. With its passing, California is now among states like Colorado, Washington, Oregon and Alaska who have also legalized marijuana. â€Å"Marijuana could become quite the cashRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1062 Words  | 5 Pagesis because it is bought by everyone right now illegally. The money people are using to buy marijuana is going into black money basically because the money is being paid under the table, which means it has no taxes. If the United States would just legalize marijuana, this country would be able to make so much more money because the money won’t be black money. Marijuana targets a vast variety of people around the United States. Also marijuana may be used by people who want to relax, or may not haveRead MoreEssay about It Is A Bad Idea To Legalize Marijuana1021 Words  | 5 PagesThe Legalization of Marijuana Yes, I believe it is a great idea to legalize marijuana. What a great idea! Think of all the good benefits that could come about. The government could tax marijuana like they do tobacco, and it could help our economy out. Think of all the money that could be gathered with this taxing. The prison and jail populations would decline simply because a number of people in prison are there solely because of a marijuana conviction. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;This would
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
What Category Does The Art Fall Under How Can You Tell
What category does the art fall under? How can you tell? This painting falls under the category of an impressionist painting. You are able to tell that it is an impressionist painting because the lines of paint are blended on the canvas and not on a pallet. The lines are little brush strokes and not big blended ones. How does the artist use color? Are there stark contrasts or is it blended? Are there symbolic meanings behind the color choices? The artist does not use many colors in this painting. The colors used suggest that the time of day is around the evening and the lighting is low. His eyes and his hat are warm colors and they stick out from the cool colors. The stark contrasts in this painting his eyes. His eyes are the brightest thing on the painting, so your eyes go directly to it. The hat is the second brightest thing and your eyes go up to there. After that, everything else is abou the same color and nothing else draws your attention. Are the forms in the piece realistic or abstract? Are they fully one style or do they mix the two? The form of this piece is realistic. It is fully one style because it is a face and the face is clearly a human face. How does the artwork â€Å"work?†How do the details in the piece used to express its meaning? This painting works together because the colors give you an illusion of low lighting. The blending shows off his eyes and make you look to them. Every part of his face has more detail than the rest of the painting does, so youShow MoreRelatedArt Analysis : The Starry Night Essay920 Words  | 4 PagesArt Analysis In this piece of art Van Gogh shows that even tho in a dark night you can still look out your window at night and see light. Another example of that would be in your dark or hard times in life, there is always a brighter side to everything. (Artble. Starry Night Analysis. 2016. Web. 3 May 2016.) Describe the initial emotions you feel when viewing the art. Then list any adjectives that descrWhat category does the art fall under? How can you tell? It is a painting using the swirlingRead MoreThe Things I Know Nothing At All : A Little Thing From Experience1632 Words  | 7 PagesThe title of my project is called The Things I Know Nothing at All: A Little Thing from Experience. The genre is diverse and falls under the categories of prose poetry, micro fiction, or creative non-fiction. It is inspired by Anne Carson’s Short Talks where she analyzes different subjects that are interconnected on a grander scheme. I used Janet Burroway’s Imaginative Writing: the Elements of Craft to create my creative non-fiction piece and to develop its subjects. The goal of my project is toRead MoreThe Legacy Of Jackson Pollock1501 Words  | 7 Pagesfrom color, refining categories of drawing and painting, and finding new means to describe pictorial space.†(Jackson Pollock and His Paintings) Jackson Pollock’s life began in Cody, Wyoming in 1912. His father, Leroy was a farmer and later in life became a surveyor for the government. Because of his father’s job as a government surveyor, Pollock was able to travel to many places with his father, even experiencing some Native American culture with which he attributes some of his art pieces to. When PollockRead MoreLet Me Introduce One Of The Most Simple, Yet Profitable1126 Words  | 5 Pagesmake it. This artwork falls under the category of a contemporary artwork. There are five different colors of Balloon Dog that include: blue, magenta, orange, yellow, and red. Jeff Koons went above and beyond with this piece. He met most of the important criteria of art and that is why this work has blown up. Meeting the criteria of a good work of art is very hard to do because of the many different criteria there are. Koons’s work meets many of the standards of a good work of art. Jeff Koon’s BalloonRead Mor e Parenting Styles Essay1397 Words  | 6 Pagesa person can face. The way a family is structured is called the parenting style. Parenting styles are collections of parental attitudes, practices, and non-verbal expressions that characterize the nature of parent-child relationships. Because individuals learn how to parent from many different examples including their own parents, role models, society and life experiences. Parenting techniques can vary greatly from household to household, however, experts believe that parenting styles can be brokenRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Nicomachean Ethics 1749 Words  | 7 PagesEvery day of our lives, we are constantly trying to find the way to live in a way that will bring us to this unknown place of â€Å"happiness†. I can type â€Å"How to live a full life†into Google and pull up 825,000,000 links online in 0.78 seconds that all claim they have this solution that people spend their entire lives looking for. No, it does not stop there, I can even get instructions with pictures attached for my convenience in my moral search. The question of which way is the right way to live is asRead MoreSurrogate Advertising1445 Words  | 6 Pagescould either resemble the original product or could be a different product altogether, but using the established brand of the original product. The sponsoring of sports/cultural/leisure events and activities using a liquor brand name also falls in the category of surrogate advertising. Essentially it is the advertisement of the items on the negative list, such as tobacco and liquor. The masked creative’s leave it to the consumer to read between the lines. Brand managers call it leveraging on theRead MoreThe Depiction Of Women During The Renaissance Could Be1727 Words  | 7 Pagesthe issue of how women were represented in Renaissance art and literature lies. Many male writers and scholars of the time presented works pertaining ideals and ‘guides’ that women should follow so that they could become the ideal woman, yet this is where the trouble lies – it is the masculine deciding what the feminine should be, instead of the feminine being decided by the women themselves. Of course, there is some forgiveness to this idea; trains of thought like ‘it was just how it was back then’Read MoreThe Benefits of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Essay1495 Words  | 6 Pagestreatments are always the best option. However, all ove r the world, different techniques for curing diseases and aliments are being used. These methods fall under the category of complementary and alternative medicine. According to Sandra Augustyn Lawton in Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Teens, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) can be defined as â€Å"a group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and products that are not presently considered to be part of conventionalRead MoreStudents Consciousness Towards Littering in Pacific Adventist University1367 Words  | 6 PagesSTUDENT CONSCIOUSNESS TOWARDS LITTERING IN PAU CAMPUS A paper Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the subject HE 116.1 Academic English By Jacinta Kaupa Aim : The aim of this survey was to find out how conscious the students are towards littering. Introduction Pacific Adventist University is an institution where people from all over the Pacific, Papua New Guinea and other parts of the world come to learn and get educated. Indeed it is the most beautiful
Effective Parenting Techniques Free Essays
There are so many things in the world that people do to help children. Many people volunteer to help children and some decide to raise a child. Out of all the things to do raising a child is most difficult, and also very rewarding. We will write a custom essay sample on Effective Parenting Techniques or any similar topic only for you Order Now When an individual chooses to be a parent, he or she should have four traits: a positive lifestyle, stability, tolerance, and patience. Having these traits helps on the long road of effective parenting (The Nemours Foundation, 2011). Discussion of Topic When an individual has a positive lifestyle, their child will look up to their parent. A positive lifestyle is good for a child because a parent is considered a role model. This means parents should have a job, a car, a place to live (a apartment or house), not abuse drugs or alcohol, and speak using manners. For example, if a child hears his parent cursing or using vulgar language the child is more likely to use it himself. Even if the child sees his parent working hard to make a good living, they are more likely to work hard to achieve the same thing (The Nemours Foundation). According to a Scottish government report, the keys to giving a child a good start in life is to love, cuddle, and red bedtime stories. Scotland must become a more â€Å"child-friendly†place with a renewed focus on improving early years through measures such as a new generation of family centers funded through private, public and not-for-profit sources. Children were always acting out anywhere they where and in order for this to stop parents had to pay much more attention to their kids (Currie Brian, 2011). Parents often become less involved in the lives of their children as they nter the middle grades. But your young adolescent needs as much attention and love from you as he needed when he was younger and maybe more. A good relationship with you or with other adults is the best safeguard your child has as he grows and explores. By the time he reaches adolescence, you and he will have had years of experience with each other; the parent of today’s toddler is parent to tomorrow’s teenager (Effective Parenting, 2006). Your relationship with your child may change. In fact, it almost certainly must change; however, as she develops the skills required to be a successful adult. These changes can be rewarding and welcome. As your middle school child makes mental and emotional leaps, your conversations will grow richer. As her interests develop and deepen, she may begin to teach you how to slug a baseball, what is happening with the city council or county board or why a new book is worth reading (Effective Parenting, 2006). When our children behave badly, we may become angry or upset with them. We may also feel miserable because we become angry or upset. But these feelings are different from not loving our children. Young adolescents need adults who are there for them – people who connect with them, communicate with them, spend time with them and show a genuine interest in them. This is how they learn to care for and love others. According to school counselor Carol Bleifield, â€Å"Parents can love their children but not necessarily love what they do, and children need to trust that this is true. †(Effective Parenting, 2006) Young adolescents need support as they struggle with problems that may seem unimportant to their parents and families. They need praise when they’ve done their best. They need encouragement to develop interests and personal characteristics. Psychologist Diana Baumrind identifies three types of parents: authoritarian, permissive, and authoritative. By studying about findings from more than 20 years of research, she and her colleagues have found that to be effective parents, it’s best to avoid extremes. Authoritarian parents who lay down hard-and-fast rules and expect their children to always do as they are told or permissive parents who have very few rules or regulations and give their children too much freedom are most likely to have the most difficult time as parents. Their children are at risk for a range of negative behavioral and emotional consequences. However, authoritative parents, who set limits that are clear and come with explanations, tend to struggle less with their adolescents. â€Å"Do it because I said so†probably didn’t work for your son when he was 6 and it’s even less likely to work now that he’s an adolescent (Effective Parenting, 2006). Young adolescents need strong role models. Try to live the behavior and values that you hope your child will develop. Your actions speak louder than words. If you set high standards for yourself and treat others with kindness and respect, your child stands a better chance of following your example. As adolescents explore possibilities of who they may become, they look to their parents, peers, well-known personalities and others to define who they may become (Effective Parenting, 2006). There are also the five B’s for effective parenting which are be positive, be specific, be certain, be consistent, and be immediate. People including children do things for one of two reasons: to avoid pain or to pursue pleasure. As a parent, you constantly work between these two options. If you use lots of negatives like punishments to drive behavior, your child will do just enough to avoid the pain. Rewarding good behaviors rather than punishing bad ones, improves the chance that you’ll get cooperation and not conflict from your child. Noticing unacceptable behaviors and stopping them with a punishment is easy. It takes effort to recognize good behaviors and praise them. You’ll need to do both; but the more you recognize the good, the less likely you are to see the bad (Effective Parenting, 2006). Relevant Chapters In chapter 8 of the text it talks about the self view of children during their school years. It talks about how preschoolers develop their self-concepts as a result of how their parents treat them and based on the society and culture they live in. Like in Erikson’s initiative vs. guilt is when children act independently, but feel guilt or sense of failure when they don’t succeed or are belittled for the action. The foundational concept of this stage is that children become aware that they are people and begin to make decisions that shape the kind of person they are to become. Children with supportive parents later become independent and autonomous. Children with restrictive or overprotective parents later feel shame and self-doubt. Good effective parenting skills are needed in order for children to become great people in life. Summary In order to have good parenting skills a parent needs to have great effective parenting techniques like using the five B’s. Using the five B’s will get your children to have better cooperation and will never act out as much. Children will always need support from their parents whenever they have issues. They also need to have strong role models because if they don’t then how are they going to learn when they make mistakes. Parents are the ones that have to teach their children what is right from wrong. As kids grow older they make mental leaps that will later create better conversations. Children will become great adults if parents follow effective parenting techniques. How to cite Effective Parenting Techniques, Essay examples
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Literary Analysis of Bartleby the Scrivener Essay Essay Example
Literary Analysis of Bartleby the Scrivener Essay Paper Bartleby the Scrivener could be described as a narrative about acquiring rid of its rubric character. about the narrator’s effort to acquire rid of Bartleby. and Bartleby’s retentive capacity to be ever at that place. It is the narrative of an nameless attorney and his employee. Bartleby. a scribe of jurisprudence paperss. Confronted non merely with Bartleby’s refusal to make work ( first to â€Å"read†transcripts against the original. so to copy wholly ) . but besides with the contagious nature of the peculiar words of his refusal ( Bartleby’s peculiar â€Å"I would prefer non to†) . the storyteller concludes that. before Bartleby â€Å"turns the tongues†any further of those with whom he comes into contact. he â€Å"must acquire rid of†Bartleby. At the same clip Bartleby feels â€Å"mobbed in his privacy†( 27 ) when the other office workers crowd him behind his screen. they in bend are invaded by his idiosyncrasy – his private parlance â€Å"prefer. We will write a custom essay sample on Literary Analysis of Bartleby the Scrivener Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Literary Analysis of Bartleby the Scrivener Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Literary Analysis of Bartleby the Scrivener Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer †Bartleby’s presence interruptions down the clear differentiations between public and private. professional and domestic. between â€Å"privacy†and â€Å"the rabble. †By nailing Bartleby as the â€Å"cause†of infective linguistic communication ( linguistic communication â€Å"turned†bad ) . the storyteller wants to halt the class of a procedure ( the â€Å"turning of tongues†) already in advancement. But acquiring rid of Bartleby is every bit slippery as acquiring rid of a chronic status ; the storyteller emphasizes a phrase which appears textually in italics: â€Å"he was ever there†( 20 ) . Bartleby is. as the storyteller calls him. a â€Å"nuisance†( 40 ) . an â€Å"intolerable incubus. †As a character in the narrative with a organic structure. he moves really small. but the few words he speaks interrupt out at unexpected minutes in the office. Every effort the storyteller makes to command the inactive Bartleby and his infective linguistic communication fails uproariously ( Schehr 97 ) . The storyteller experiences a funny tenseness between the impossible jussive mood ( on the degree of the narrative ) to acquire rid of the topic. and the impossibleness ( on the degree of the narrative ) to compose his complete life ( Bartleby’s â€Å"history†) . Therefore. Bartleby is besides a fable about composing history or life. In trying to compose what he thinks of as Bartleby’s life. the storyteller simply misnames his authorship undertaking. or he emphasizes it from the incorrect point of position. In hunt of Bartleby’s beginnings. the storyteller does non merely narrate ( as he thinks ) the history of Bartleby the Scrivener ; he relates instead the narrative of his ain anxiousness vis-a-vis Bartleby. In peculiar. he relates his anxiousness over the scrivener’s silence – and manners of interrupting that silence ; for we could state that. instead than talking really small or in peculiar ways. Bartleby has peculiar ways of on occasion interrupting silence. It is this force in address. this unexpected eruption. which the storyteller frights. The storyteller. whose familiarities describe him as an â€Å"eminently safe adult male. †who likes nil better than the â€Å"cool repose of a cubby retreat†( 4 ) . is thrown unquestionably off kelter when faced with what he footings Bartleby’s â€Å"passive resistance†( 17 ) . Bartleby’s arm is his entire indifference to truth. whereas the storyteller seeks a 2nd sentiment on truth from the other office couples. Bartleby could be seen as the one solid block around which the storyteller writes his ain narrative about truth instead than the truth about the Bartleby narrative. Bartleby’s inactive opposition really generates the narrative  confronted with it. the storyteller creates theories ( his philosophy of premises. for case ) . carries on arguments with himself. and seeks the advocate of others  all with the opaque Bartleby as the nucleus. In retracing Bartleby’s narrative. the storyteller follows an inexplicit logic which he neer straight states. It is the logic of cause and consequence. ( He is non intentionally concealing this logic. but because he takes its cogency for granted. he neer remarks on it critically. ) Believing in the possibility of happening a particular. locatable. and nameable cause to Bartleby’s status ( as he is able to make with the other office workers. Childs and Turkey. whose tempers vary harmonizing to their diets and the clip of twenty-four hours ) . the storyteller thinks that by eliminating the cause of the job. he can change the effects. the effects of Bartleby’s talking status in the office infinite. McCall follows the same logic as the storyteller in seeking causes of Bartleby’s behaviour. He mentions comment that when the storyteller asks Bartleby to run an errand for him at the station office. â€Å"that is likely the last topographic point. if the rumour is right. that Bartleby would of all time desire to travel. †( McCall 129 ) . The storyteller neer considers that his line of concluding might be defective  that Bartleby’s status may non be linked to a particular. locatable. nameable cause. We as readers may be placed in the same place as the storyteller in that we neer know either the beginning of Bartleby’s status ; we witness chiefly its effects. or symptoms. in the narrative. These symptoms reside non merely in Bartleby as single character. but in the very manner the storyteller tells the narrative about that character. Rather than talking about the cause of Bartleby’s status. one could more competently talk about the ways in which its effects are spread to other characters within the text. When the storyteller impatiently biddings Bartleby to fall in and assist the others in the scenario of group reading. Bartleby responds. â€Å"I would prefer non to†( 14 ) . Hearing this response the storyteller turns â€Å"into a pillar of salt†( 14 ) . ( Faced with Bartleby’s responses and sheer presence. the storyteller oftentimes evokes images of his losing. so waking to. consciousness. ) When he recovers his senses. he tries to ground with Bartleby. who in the interim has retreated behind his screen. The storyteller says: â€Å"These are your ain transcripts we are about to analyze. It is labour salvaging to you. because one scrutiny will reply for your four documents. It is common use. Every scribe is bound to assist analyze his transcript. Is it non so? Will you non talk? Answer! †( 15 ) The storyteller is exasperated when Bartleby does non react instantly to the logic behind his work ethic. â€Å"These are your ain transcripts we are about to analyze. It is labour salvaging to you. †Examining or reading transcript is a money salvaging activity. from which every member of the office net incomes ( four paperss for the monetary value of one reading! ) . â€Å"Every scribe is bound to assist analyze his transcript. †To the contract the attorney decidedly demands from his employee. a bond based on an exchange of reading. Bartleby replies three times. gently. â€Å"in a flutelike tone. †â€Å"I ( would ) prefer non to†( 15 ) . By declining to read transcript. Bartleby refuses to accept to the economic system of the office. It is possibly merely to another type of reading. one non based on a system of exchange and net income. which Bartleby consents. Although the storyteller says he has neer seen Bartleby reading  â€Å"not even a newspaper†( 24 )  he does frequently notice him gazing outside the window of the office onto a brick wall. Gazing at the dead brick wall ( in what the storyteller calls Bartleby’s â€Å"dead-wall reveries†) may be Bartleby’s lone signifier of reading. taking the topographic point of the economy-based reading demanded of him in the procedure of verifying transcripts. About midway through the narrative. the lawyer/narrator visits his office on a Sunday forenoon and. detecting a cover. soap and towel. a few crumbs of ginger nuts and a morsel of cheese. deduces that the copyist neer leaves the office. Recognizing the full impact of Bartleby’s status. he states. What I saw that forenoon persuaded me that the copyist was the victim of innate and incurable upset. ( 25 ) The storyteller clearly locates the upset in Bartleby. Sing himself in the function of diagnostician and therapist. he himself is faced with the â€Å"hopelessness of rectifying inordinate and organic ill†( 24 ) . The narrator’s concern about an single medical remedy should more competently be a concern about an obsessively private rhetorical argument or a perilously idiomatic group contagious disease ( Perry 409 ) . Despite his premise that Bartleby is incurable. or possibly exactly because he can consequence no remedy. the storyteller beleaguers himself throughout the narrative with inquiries or bids to make something about Bartleby ( McCall 9 ) . If the private man’s upset can be passed on to another ( one ) individual. what happens when the status is let loose out of close quarantine into the public infinite of the office? Bartleby walks a unstable tightrope between comedy and calamity ( Inge 25 ) . The tragic dimension frequently resides in the narrator’s turning inward on himself ( a kind of tragic compaction ) . so seting himself on test. an interior minute of accusal which finally consequences in the prostration of the narrative in a individual suspiration or exclaiming ( â€Å"Ah. Bartleby! Ah. humanity! †46 ) . The amusing effects are frequently related to the autocratic effort ( and failure ) to incorporate the spread of parlance as contagious disease ( Perry 412 ) . If Bartleby has been a figure for calamity in the lone speculation of the storyteller. he becomes a figure for comedy in his contact with his office mates Nippers and Turkey. The more the storyteller tries to modulate the contact between the three. the more screaming  and significantly out of control  is Bartleby’s influence. The attempt to incorporate or command tends really to advance the epidemic proportions of the narrative. It is the storyteller himself who uses a vocabulary of contagious disease in relation to Bartleby. He says he has had â€Å"more than ordinary contact†( 3 ) with other copyists he has known. Bartleby exceeds this already extraordinary contact – he has been touched by â€Å"handling†dead letters ( Schehr 99 ) . Some critics reproduce the narrator’s linguistic communication of contagious disease in speaking about Bartleby. McCall. in his survey on The Silence of Bartleby. depict â€Å"our†response. the corporate readers’ response. to reading the narrative: As we go through the narrative. we watch with a certain delight how Bartleby is â€Å"catching. †We root for the spread of the bug. ( 145 ) In a slightly less delighted vena. Borges says. â€Å"Bartleby’s frank nihilism contaminates his comrades and even the impassive adult male who tells Bartleby’s narrative. †( Borges 8 ) In the office scenes where the employees and foreman semen necessarily together. the â€Å"bug†word is Bartleby’s â€Å"prefer. †Nippers uses it jeeringly against the storyteller as a transitive action verb when he overhears Bartleby’s words of refusal to the narrator’s supplication â€Å"to be a small sensible. †Bartleby reverberations. â€Å"At present I would prefer non to be a small reasonable†( 26 ) . If Nippers is enduring from his ain peculiar and chronic status of dyspepsia. he takes on the symptoms of Bartleby’s status when he exclaims to the storyteller. Prefer non. eh? †¦ – I’d prefer him. if I were you sir. I’d prefer him ; I’d give him penchants. the obstinate mule! What is it. sir. pray. that he prefers non to make now? ( 26 ) Whereas subsequently in the narrative the storyteller wholly loses his critical accomplishment to â€Å"catch†himself in his address. in this exchange he is still able to joint the consequence Bartleby’s â€Å"word†is holding on him. He notes uneasily. Somehow. of late. I had got into the manner of involuntarily utilizing the word ‘prefer’ upon all kinds of non precisely suited occasions. ( 27 ) It is this qualifier â€Å"not exactly†which is of peculiar involvement. Bartleby’s usage of words is â€Å"not exactly†incorrect. â€Å"Prefer†is so insidious because it is merely somewhat awry. dislocated. idiosyncratic. As McCall accurately notes about the power of Bartleby’s â€Å"I prefer non to. †â€Å"one must hear. in the small silence that follows it. how the line delivers two contradictory significances. stubbornness and niceness. â€Å" ( 152 ) The line calls merely adequate attending to itself so as to pull others to its â€Å"profoundly assorted message†( â€Å"its perfect yes and no†) in an imitative manner ( McCall 152 ) . â€Å"Prefer†is as inobtrusive. as contagious. and every bit radical as a sneezing. The storyteller lets it out of his oral cavity involuntarily. When Turkey enters the scene and uses the bug word without recognizing it ( without Nippers’ italicized lampoon or the narrator’s critical remarks ) . the storyteller says to him. in a â€Å"slightly excited†tone. â€Å"So you have got the word. too†( 27 ) . In this polar sentence. the verb â€Å"get†implies â€Å"to receive†( as in â€Å"to receive a word or message†) . but more strikingly for our treatment here. it implies the verb â€Å"to catch†– one â€Å"catches†the word as one would â€Å"catch†a cold. The storyteller attempts to supervise the contagious disease by calling the bug and indicating it out to the others. But the word mocks everyone’s will to command it â€Å"prefer†pops up six times in the following half a page  four times unconsciously in the address of one of the employees. and twice consciously ( modified by â€Å"word†) in the narrative of the attorney. Bartleby could be described as a narrative of the familiarity – or anxiousness – a attorney feels for the law-copyist he employs. The storyteller arranges a screen in the corner of his office behind which Bartleby may work. Pleased with the agreement of puting Bartleby behind the screen in close propinquity to his ain desk. the storyteller provinces. â€Å"Thus. in a mode. privateness and society were conjoined†( 12 ) . The storyteller idealizes the possibility of a perfect harmoniousness between privateness and community in the work environment. but it is exactly the struggle between these two spatial â€Å"conditions†which generates the narrative. specifying non merely Bartleby’s â€Å"idiocy. †but the narrator’s every bit good. The storyteller most characteristically brushs Bartleby â€Å"emerging from his retreat†( 13 ) or â€Å"retiring into his hermitage†( 26 ) . The screen isolates Bartleby from the position of the storyteller. but non from his voice. Works Cited Borges. Jorge Luis. â€Å"Prologue to Herman Melville’s ‘Bartleby†in Herman Melville’s Billy Budd. â€Å"Benito Cereno. †â€Å"Bartleby the Scrivener. †and Other Tales. erectile dysfunction. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers. 1987 Inge. Thomas M. . erectile dysfunction. Bartleby the Inscrutable. Hamden. Connecticut: Archon Books. 1979. McCall. Dan. The Silence of Bartleby. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 1989. Melville. Herman. â€Å"Billy Budd†and Other Stories. New York: Penguin Books. 1986. Perry. Dennis R. â€Å"‘Ah. Humanity’ : Compulsion Neurosiss in Melville’s Bartleby. †Studies in Short Fiction 23. 4 ( autumn 1987 ) : 407-415. Schehr. Lawrence R. â€Å"Dead Letterss: Theories of Writing in Bartleby the Scrivener†Enclitic seven. cubic decimeter ( spring 1983 ) : 96-103.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
7 Examples of Valid Passive Construction
7 Examples of Valid Passive Construction 7 Examples of Valid Passive Construction 7 Examples of Valid Passive Construction By Mark Nichol One of the easiest principles of grammar to remember is to avoid the passive voice, or passive construction, but it’s just as essential to recall that this rule is not absolute. Passive construction has its place. Appropriate uses are described below. Passive constructions are those in which the acted-on noun, rather than the word(s) denoting the actor, is the subject of the sentence, as in the last sentence of the lead paragraph of this post. The well-founded prejudices against the passive include that such constructions are usually less concise than those organized in the active voice, that they obscure the identity of the actor, and that they upend traditional English syntax. But the passive voice is relevant in the following cases: 1. When the emphasis is on the acted-on, not the actor: â€Å"The message was conveyed by the courier.†2. When the actor is not pertinent or is implied: â€Å"The defendant was found not guilty.†3. When the actor cannot be identified: â€Å"The dog was poisoned.†4. When the actor should not (or does not wish to) be identified: â€Å"Mistakes were made.†5. When an extensive description of the actor follows the mention of the actor: â€Å"The alternative was suggested by John Smith, the consultant hired to analyze the problem and recommend solutions.†(The active construction, â€Å"John Smith, the consultant hired to analyze the problem and recommend solutions, suggested the alternative†changes the emphasis.) 6. When revealing the actor’s identity should be delayed: â€Å"The candelabra was moved by the only guest who had the opportunity during that time the professor!†7. When the passive voice improves the rhetorical impact: â€Å"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Definitely use "the" or "a"The Writing ProcessWords Often Misspelled Because of Double Letters
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko Facts
Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko Facts The satanic leaf-tailed gecko (Uroplatus phantasticus), is a mild-mannered reptile that, despite its name, prefers to take peaceful naps in the forests of Madagascar. It has evolved an extreme method of camouflage: becoming a dead leaf. Fast Facts: Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko Scientific Name: Uroplatus phantasticusCommon Name: Satanic leaf-tailed geckoBasic Animal Group: ReptileSize: 2.5–3.5 inchesWeight: 0.35–1 ounceLifespan: 3–5 yearsDiet: CarnivoreHabitat: Mountainous rainforests of eastern MadagascarConservation Status: Least Concern Description The satanic leaf-tailed gecko is one of 13 recognized species belonging to the gekkonid lizard genus Uroplatus, which were discovered on the island of Madagascar in the 17th century. The 13 species are broken into several groups based, in part, on the vegetation they mimic. U. phantasticus belongs in the group named U. ebenaui, which is comprised of three members, including U. malama and U. ebenaui: all three look like dead leaves. All leaf-tailed geckos have long, flat bodies with triangular heads. The satanic leaf-tailed gecko is mottled brown, gray, tan, or orange in color, the same shade as the decaying leaves in its natural environment. The geckos body is curved like the edge of a leaf, and its skin is marked with lines that mimic a leafs veins. But the most remarkable accessory in the leaf-tailed geckos disguise is undoubtedly its tail: The gecko has the longest and widest tail of all the U. ebenaui group. The lizards tail is not only shaped and colored like a leaf, but it also bears notches, frills, and imperfections to more closely resemble a dead leaf that has been gnawed on by insects. Like the rest of its group, the satanic leaf-tailed gecko is small in size compared to other Uroplatus groups, measuring between 2.5 to 3.5 inches long including its tail. reptiles4all/Getty Images Habitat and Distribution The satanic leaf-tailed gecko is found only in the mountainous rain forests in the southern two-thirds of eastern Madagascar, a large island nation just off the southeast coast of Africa. It is found at the base of trees disguising itself as leaf litter and up to about 6 feet up the trunk of a tree. Well known for its unique wildlife, Madagascars forests are home to lemurs and fossas and hissing cockroaches, in addition to being the only known habitat of the worlds satanic leaf-tailed geckos. Diet and Behavior The satanic leaf-tailed gecko rests all day, but as soon as the sun sets, its on the prowl for a meal. Its large, lidless eyes are made for spotting prey in the darkness. Like other lizards, this gecko is believed to feed on anything it can catch and fit in its mouth, from crickets to spiders. Little research has been done on satanic leaf-tailed geckos in their native environment, though, so we cant know for sure what else they consume. The satanic leaf-tailed gecko doesnt rely on passive camouflage to protect itself. It also behaves like a leaf when resting. The gecko sleeps with its body flattened against a tree trunk or branch, head down and leafy tail up. If needed, it twists its body to accentuate the leaf-like edges and help it blend in. It has a limited ability to change color, and when camouflage fails, it flicks its tail upwards, rears back its head, opens its mouth exposing a brilliant orange-red interior and sometimes even emits a loud distress call. reptiles4all/Getty Images Reproduction and Offspring In their native Madagascar, the start of the rainy season also marks the beginning of the gecko breeding season. When sexually mature, the male satanic leaf-tailed gecko has a bulge at the base of its tail, while the female does not. The female is oviparous, meaning she lays eggs and the young complete development outside of her body. The mother gecko lays her clutch, two or three spherical eggs, in the leaf litter on the ground or within dead leaves on a plant. This enables the young to remain hidden when they emerge about 95 days later. She may bear two or three clutches a year. Little is known about this secretive animal, but it is believed that the mother leaves the eggs to hatch and make it on their own. Conservation Status and Threats Though currently listed as a species of Least Concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, this unusual lizard may soon be at risk. Madagascars forests are being degraded at an alarming rate. Exotic pet enthusiasts also create a high demand for collecting and exporting the species, which is currently illegal but may continue in low numbers. Sources Giant leaf-tailed gecko. Smithsonian. Glaw, Frank, and Miguel Vences. A Fieldguide to the Amphibians and Reptiles of Madagascar Including Mammals and Freshwater Fish. Cologne, Germany: Verlag, 2007.Madagascar Leaf Tailed Gecko Care Sheet and Information. Western New York Herpetological Society, 2001–2002.Ratsoavina, F., et al. Uroplatus phantasticus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: e.T172906A6939382, 2011.Ratsoavina, Fanomezana Mihaja, et al. A New Leaf Tailed Gecko Species from Northern Madagascar with a Preliminary Assessment of Molecular and Morphological Variability in the Uroplatus Ebenaui Group. Zootaxa 3022.1 (2011): 39–57. Print.Spiess, Petra. Natures Dead Leaves and Pez Dispensers: Genus Uroplatus (Flat-tailed geckos).
Friday, February 14, 2020
Professional Issues Assignment one Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Professional Issues Assignment one - Case Study Example There is an ongoing divorce case and the some data is being required by the lawyers and prosecutors. The psychologist should seek the consent of the client as to what and to whom the information will be given and the purpose that these data will serve. Fidelity is a part of the ethical guidelines stated by BACP. Increasingly, attention has focused on providers of psychological services who need to balance the ethical principles of their profession with legal and regulatory mandates, as well as with the institutional policies of the organizations where they work. The General Guidelines for Providers of Psychological Services and the Specialty Guidelines for the Delivery of Services were promulgated to aide those involved in the professional practice of psychology within several contexts. Additional guidance on specific issues is provided in other documents, such as the Guidelines for Child Custody Evaluations in Divorce Proceedings, drafted by the Committee on Professional Practice and Standards and several others mentioned throughout his chapter. The experiment with Little Albert by Watson and Rayner achieved a great deal of information and additional knowledge that are still considered to helpful up these days in the field of psychology. Watson is a strong proponent of the idea that fear among kids is innate and it can be considered a response to an unconditioned event. The principle of info... The principle of informed consent states that children should be made aware of all the conditions and procedures that they will encounter throughout the research. There should be an approval from the child if he/she wants to participate in the research or not. The child should be provided with the freedom to decide if he/she wants to join or not and the researchers should respect the decision of the child. Non-maleficence states that the procedures should not, in any way, place the child in danger or great harm while doing the research. The psychologist should seek other safer means of doing a procedure if it entails evoking stress from the subject. The psychologist may also ask for more knowledge or assistance from other specialists if they believe that there is a potential danger in one of the steps included in the research. Task Sheet 4: Limits of competence and fitness to practice Competence can be measured by evaluation and can be maintained by keeping a sound professional relationship with clients and sustaining an objective mind to keep away from distractions and pressure. Evaluation is not new in human experience. When Adam and Eve were tempted to partake the apple, a choice was made. President of McKinley spent sleepless nights pondering on whether it was a wise move to buy the Philippines from Spain. The decision he made became a history. Trying on a new dress or buying a new pair of shoes, choosing a course, selecting a university or college - all these involve some appraisal, some evaluation. Evaluation is used to mean appraisal or measurement. As applied to education, it is the process by which we find the extent to which the objectives of the school policies and school program are being attained. Good defines evaluation as the process of determining
Saturday, February 1, 2020
An analysis of uk economic perfomance in third quarter 2012 Essay
An analysis of uk economic perfomance in third quarter 2012 - Essay Example The recent riots in the streets of the capital, London and other major cities are an example of that. Several economic strategies have been employed to arrest the slide with little success. In the midst of all these despair, the government led by Prime Minister David Cameron has even sought to convince the people that economic growth is not the only indicator of prosperity. He has sought to use the ‘happiness index’ as a marker that the economic situation is improving. However, preaching this new gospel to a generation that has been obsessed with growth has been akin to preaching to the converted. This paper shall seek to analyze the economic woes facing the U.K, look at the remedies the government has put in place, suggest more effective policies and even explore the likely positive or negative reactions of the economy to these measures. The fourth quarter of the year 2012 ran from October to December; and during this period the UK economy contracted by 0.3 %. This is a ccording to a report by the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (Anon 2013b). The same report went on to blame such slide on the unrealistic expectations raised by the economy in the third quarter. This is when the Olympics took place, and there was an economic revival caused by large numbers of incoming foreigners. This in essence means that the UK did not witness any period of growth over the last four quarters. However, amidst all this economic gloom, the service sector, the biggest in the country, actually grew although at a marginal rate of 0.1% in the month of October (Elliott 2012). This slide in the last quarter also intensified fears that the economy was on track for its third recession in almost as many years. There was also increased fear that the UK was headed for a triple-dip recession. Amidst all these angst the government was, as expected, defensive at the suggestion that its policies were not working. The Chancellor cited the crisis in the Eurozone as a contributory factor and even suggested that huge public debt built under the previous administration was to blame (Anon 2013a). As all this happened, the credit rating agencies were watching waiting to pounce. Any downgrade in the status of the UK’s credit rating would be the final blow. The government has over the last few years tried different measures which have had varied amounts of impact in the course of the recession. Among the most prominent have been the Treasury’s Deficit Reduction Program, raising taxes, cutting spending on welfare and ‘raising the axe to capital spending programs (Kirby 2012). All these shall be discussed below. Their initial objectives shall be analyzed, their current successes or failures shall be looked at, and finally I shall suggest alternative means to push for these policies or suggest new alternative policies altogether. Deficit reduction is indeed the most prominent among all the policies that have been instituted by the go vernment. The government put this program in place soon after taking over. and in 2010 it held some promise, even drawing praise from the IMF. Under this program, the government sought to reduce the public debt that had ballooned under the previous Labor administration. By August 2012, the deficit stood at 14 billion pounds (Anon 2013a). The deficit is already rising and so the Chancellor shall have to abandon the program
Friday, January 24, 2020
Energy and the Environment :: Environmental Pollution Science
Energy and the Environment As I read books and magazines to prepare for this essay, I have become much more familiar with energy and the environment. I was always aware of my surroundings, but studying the issues further has allowed me to see how my life is involved with this area and how it actually impacts it. I think it was first made clear to me when I looked at the actual energy processes that take place every single moment of every day, and how very little disturbances can change environmental processes substantially. I never really understood the fact that certain environmental, and human, processes can actually convert energy into many different forms in certain situations. And also, all of the types of energy can be converted in an infinite amount of ways. An example of this is how "mechanical or electrical energy is, for instance, produced by many kinds of devices, including fuel-burning heat engines, generators, batteries, fuel cells, and magnetohydrodynamic systems" (Encyclopedia Britannica). In this example, fuel burning heat engines are used to produce mechanical energy, but in the process chemical energy is turned into thermal energy which is then converted into mechanical energy. As you can see, this is just one of countless processes that convert energy many different times. Another way I started to look at these topics was from an economists' point of view. I started to think more about how we may deplete certain resources and how certain alternatives are helping to aid with this problem. Another area is the distribution of resources and the certain decisions that must be made when deciding what and how much to use. An example of this is the fact that "schools spend more on energy than on computers and textbooks combined" ( If scientists could develop new methods of energy conversion, maybe schools and other areas of interest can decrease their spending on resources and ultimately energy usage. All-in-all, I think that the biggest topic of interest involved with energy and the environment is how much we actually consume (resources, energy, etc.) and how we can try to decrease this figure. To think about how much energy we actually use, and how this number has increased, consider the fact that in the past 54 years we have increased our energy usage from 29 quadrillion Btus to about 84 quadrillion Btus (Annual Energy Review). This figure is constantly increasing, which is one of the biggest environmentally-related problems that we are faced with today.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Friedrich Nietzsche’s Influence on Hitler Essay
Friedrich Nietzsche had broached the idea of Ubermensch (translated as â€Å"Superman†) as one of the core features of his philosophy. This idea which set the stage for individualism by touching on concepts of self-surpassing and self-mastery is explicitly propounded in his most famous work, Thus Spake Zarathustra where the protagonist, Zarathustra said: â€Å"I teach you the superman. Man is something that is to be surpassed. What have you done to surpass man? †â€Å"The Superman is the meaning of the earth. Let your will say: The Superman shall be the meaning of the earth! I conjure you, my brethren, remain true to the earth, and believe not those who speak unto you of superearthly hopes! Poisoners are thy, whether they now it or not. Despisers of life are they, decaying ones and poisoned ones themselves, of whom the earth is weary: so away with them! (Nietzsche, 1999: 3)†This, together with another concept introduced by Nietzsche, the â€Å"will to power†had triggered in Hitler a narcissistic interpretation of Nietzsche’s philosophy where Hitler most certainly identified himself, and served as his justification for his concept of racial superiority. Although Nietzsche may not have intended to influence Hitler towards anti-Semitism, it was in his language to which Hitler’s distortion could be attributed. His use of the concepts â€Å"whole-man†and â€Å"half-man†as well as â€Å"master morality†and â€Å"slave morality†as means towards the achievement of a new order gave Hitler a ground for his Anti-Semitic ideas. Nietzsche believed that noble morality, in contrast to slave morality, contributed towards the improvement of the race. Nietzsche describes the nobles as people who see themselves as creators of civilization, saviors of the all and protectors of everyone from everything contemptible (Nietzsche, 1999). Meanwhile, the slaves are those who see the nobles as oppressive and themselves, the oppressed, being incapable of production and giving rise to their resentment towards creativity. As Hitler sees them, through their inherently oppressed status, they induce in the nobles a feeling of guilt and resentment towards their own superhuman status, hindering their own productivity and thus, serve as a bar against the realization of their full potential. To him, the salvation of humanity dwells only in the hands of the nobility and definitely not in the slaves. In Mein Kampf, Hitler writes: â€Å"A human community appears well organized only if it facilitates the labors of these creative forces in the most helpful way and applies them in a manner beneficial to all†¦ In this it must proceed from the principle that the salvation of mankind has never lain in the masses, but in its creative minds, which must therefore really be regarded as benefactors of the human race (Hitler, 1971: 367). †Compounded by Hitler’s narcissistic interpretation, his identification with the Superman, and his anti-Semitic philosophy, it is not surprising that Hitler would identify himself with the nobles who, applying Nietzsche’s concept of â€Å"will to power†and Nietzsche’s affirmation of the existence of destroyers of the earth who must be eliminated: â€Å"Poisoners are thy, whether they now it or not. Despisers of life are they, decaying ones and poisoned ones themselves, of whom the earth is weary: so away with them! (Nietzsche, 1999: 3)†must have felt the urge to cleanse the race from such impurities as the slaves who prevent the human race from reaching the zenith of civilization and whom he most likely associated with the Jews. His determination of the nobles and slaves in the real world can be best demonstrated in Mein Kampf: â€Å"The most unbeautiful thing there can be in human life is and remains the yoke of slavery. Or do these schwabing [? ] decadents view the present lot of the German people as ‘aesthetic’? Certainly we don’t have to discuss these matters with the Jews, the most modern inventors of this cultural perfume. Their whole existence is an embodied protest against the aesthetics of the lord’s image (Hitler, 1971; 154). †In Hitler’s mind, this â€Å"facilitation of the labor of creative forces†involves mass killings to an end of racial extinction. For Nietzsche, it is the Superman who would create a new morality in order to harness the will to power and destroy slave moralities. He believes that with an increase in greatness in a man, there is a contemporaneous increase in his wickedness and terribleness. This is justified because such increase in wickedness and terribleness are the only means to bring the status of humanity to a higher state; a means to surpass himself; to move away from the lesser creature that he was; as consistent with the purpose of the Superman. In Thus Spake Zarathustra, Nietzsche, through his protagonist said: â€Å"Man is something that is to be surpassed. What have you done to surpass man? All beings hitherto have created something beyond themselves: and you want to be the ebb of that great tide, and would rather go back to the beast than surpass man? What is the ape to man? A laughing-stock, a thing of shame. And just the same shall man be to the Superman: a laughing-stock, a thing of shame (Nietzsche, 1999: 3). †If it is true that Hitler was influenced by Nietzsche’s writings, Hitler read Nietzsche’s â€Å"terribleness†to mean the need for brutality and destruction in order to refine humanity and remove all traces of imperfection to achieve a race of Superhumans. Humanity can only be cleansed of imperfection if such lesser human beings are prevented from interbreeding, propagating their genes to allow further continuance of the slave line, To Hitler, this is the only means to which a Superman, that is, referring to himself, can rule the world. In Mein Kampf, he says: â€Å"†¦when the highest type of man has previously conquered and subjected the world to an extent that makes him the sole ruler of the earth (Hitler, 1971: 288). †Extermination, then, becomes an essential element for the realization of Hitler’s utopia. He, in his own hands sought the application of Darwin’s evolution by ruthlessly eliminating his â€Å"weaker†and â€Å"lower†human beings. According to him: â€Å"Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live (Hitler, 1971: 289). †That said, for Hitler, mass killings and the use of violence can be justified if only for the purpose of saving mankind from the slaves who are the sole source of its degeneration, that is, those who lack the motivation for self-preservation and those who impose guilt on the nobles by perpetually seeking others’ help. His resolve was characterized by alienating any manifestation of slavery by exterminating them. It cannot be gainsaid that Hitler used Nietzsche’s philosophy to justify his own. What Hitler had done however, cannot in any way be imputed to Nietzsche. Reading all of Nietzsche’s works as a whole, one cannot help but doubt whether Nietzsche truly shared whatever anti-Semitic sentiments that prevailed during their time. At most, the resultant justification that Hitler was able to get hold of from Nietzsche was merely a product of his megalomaniacal search for an intelligent bearing to support his propaganda and to further cultivate his delusions of grandeur and personal hatred against specific races, accepting what phrases that apply to his vision and rejecting those that did not. Works Cited Hitler, A. (1924). Mein Kampf (James Murphy, Trans. ): NL: Fredonia Books. (Original work published 1927-1927). Nietzsche, F. (1999). Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Thomas Common, Trans. ): New York: Dover Publications. (Original Work published 1883-1885).
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
When Students Should Declare Their Major - 863 Words
When Students Should Declare their Major The post-millennial generation has a lot more to consider when choosing a future career than past generations. Students graduating from high school come from a place with strict rules and an inflexible syllabus. These students are only now given the freedom to think for themselves and to discover who they are, what their skills are and what they are passionate about. It is more beneficial for students to establish a foundation in an array of disciplines before declaring a major. A foundation is defined as the basis or groundwork of anything. (, LLC) Since youth (the average first or second-year student is about 18 to 20 years old) have developing minds that change continuously, thus their interests will change according to who they are at that given time. The cost of living has become unaffordable, causing most people to start or end their lives later than planned. Even if a student graduates from a high-end university with an impressive degree it may guarantee absolutely nothing in today s society. Since the cost of living is so high, the next generation after to have no choice but to postpone retirement in order to keep a roof over their heads. With later retirement and overpopulation in the world, the post-millennial generation is not guaranteed a stable job anymore and even if they do have an amazing education, they still have the risk of becoming homeless. There is so much more to choosing a career thanShow MoreRelatedWhen Students Should Declare Their Major872 Words  | 4 PagesWhen Students Should Declare their Major The post- millennial generation has a lot more to consider when choosing a future career than the generations before did as well. Students graduating from high school come from a place with strict rules and an inflexible syllabus. 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