Thursday, May 21, 2020
Essay Legalize Weed Yes or No - 742 Words
Since before the 1900’s, the United States has been battling with a seemingly unending debate. Should marijuana, otherwise known as ‘weed’, be legalized in the states? While most politicians say that legalizing marijuana would only be used as a ‘stepping-stone’ to more dangerous drugs like heroin or cocaine, it is my opinion to strongly disagree with this statement. Marijuana use can have medical pluses, yielding California’s decision to legalize marijuana for healing purposes. With the right regulations, marijuana should be fully legalized in the United States. Marijuana’s purpose is served to most as one of life’s pleasures. In most cases it causes temporary memory loss, loss of bodily motor skills, slurred speech, sleepiness, altered†¦show more content†¦Though all of these factors must be considered, one must also think about the reasons why legal weed could improve the quality of life. For various sicknesses, weed can act like morphine in dulling out reality and ‘Zenning’ a patient out until they reach a certain numbness. In TIME magazine, Andrew Ferguson states that â€Å"marijuana is addictive for 10% of regular usersâ€â€making it less addictive than alcohol (15%) and much less addictive than cigarettes (32%), which are, they point out, perfectly legal.†The main problem the government has with marijuana is the fact that the side effects directly hinder normal functioning, preventing people to make logical decisions and suffering from impaired judgment. However, does alcohol not do the sa me thing? Alcohol is 5% more addictive than marijuana and most vehicle accidents are directly involved with them. It’s all about the responsibility of the smoker. If the feds are worried about the misuse of the drug they could set aside specific places where the drug could be smoked and have people test their ability to function normally before they go out driving or leave the area. This would also decrease the number of drug dealers illegally dealing because citizens could easier get it from the government. This could help lower prices and at the same time lower crime rates from people not stealing it or trying to commit a crime to get the money to buy the weed. InsteadShow MoreRelatedThe Editorial Board At Northeast Ohio Media Group955 Words  | 4 PagesNo on ResponsibleOhio s flawed Issue 3 The editorial board at Northeast Ohio Media Group has an interesting take on Issue 3. â€Å"No on ResponsibleOhio s flawed Issue 3 seeking to legalize marijuana by creating constitutionally protected monopolies†is the name of the article in which they argue why Ohio should vote no on the issue. The article states â€Å"what will be on the November 3rd ballot is Issue 3 -- a measure that would enshrine within the Ohio Constitution a legal cartel for the cultivationRead MoreMedical Marijuana is the Future1140 Words  | 5 Pageshave legalized medical marijuana in their states. So why hasn’t Indiana legalize medical marijuana? Well there are three reason that could change Indiana’s mind. Medical marijuana should be legalized in the state of Indiana: it has proven to kill a portion of cancer, Indiana could charge tax on it, and marijuana is safer than alcohol and tobacco combined together. Those are just three important reason why Indiana should legalize medica l marijuana. Cannabis can kill a portion of cancer. Read MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal? Essay1304 Words  | 6 PagesCannabis commonly known as â€Å"weed†or â€Å"marijuana†has been around since the early 2700 B.C. for medicinal purposes. Now and days cannabis has more uses than medicinal reasonings, people use it as a drug and as a product to sell. Studies states that weed has no negative impact to the human body, unlike alcohol which causes brain damage, and serious mental health problems within short and long term useage but, yet it is legal. That brings up the question â€Å"why not legalize cannabis?†With the legalizationRead MoreThe Environment Alcohol And Marijuana1365 Words  | 6 Pagesor vodka) white was popular plus you could get it from your local bootleg (people selling alcohol without a license). I am very familiar with the term sense I was buying a pint of vodka for my grandmother from bootleg man since I was nine years old. Yes, I do know I was to young to be buying alcohol; my moth er had no knowledge of what I was doing and my grandmother did not care about involving me in her alcoholism. My friend’s parents were a little different they were giving them marijuana to smokeRead MoreThe Legalization Of Marijuana In California. To Recreationally1582 Words  | 7 PagesThe Legalization of Marijuana in California To recreationally legalize marijuana in California means to use it for not only for medical purposes as well as recreational purposes. In California today you are able to purchase marijuana legally from dispensary and no other places. Adults that posses more than an ounce of marijuana will continue to face misdemeanor charges, including a $500 fine and up to six months in jail. Adults 18 to 21 will continue to face a $100 infraction for marijuana possessionRead MorePro-Legalization of Drugs Essay examples1355 Words  | 6 Pagesis suffering rapid decay due to the never-ending war against drugs. Politicians make dramatic speeches advocating tougher drug laws to when there to when seats. But what has this war really accomplished? In fact would legalization benefit society. Yes. Legalization is an option that should be heavily considered. I will illustrate in detail how the economy will be positively impacted building a foundation toward ending the So call war on drugs with a w in for America as a whole. One of theRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?1160 Words  | 5 Pagesmy best memories, met some of the greatest people in my life and learned a lot about myself through cannabis. If you’ve ever seen someone who is addicted to hard drugs then you’d understand just how harmless weed is and the fact that it’s still illegal is ridiculous! Is marijuana addictive? Yes, in the sense that most of the really pleasant things in life are worth endlessly repeating. It’s proven that cannabis is less harmful to your body than alcohol and I can tell you from personal experience thatRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal?986 Words  | 4 PagesThe flame ignites, the smoke builds, the mind relaxes. It’s a process that at one point, could have landed you in jail. But now, smoking pot in California, is legal. On Tuesday, November 8, 2016, California became the fifth state to legalize the recreational use of pot. By a margin of about 56% to 44%, voters passed Proposition 64. With its passing, California is now among states like Colorado, Washington, Oregon and Alaska who have also legalized marijuana. â€Å"Marijuana could become quite the cashRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1062 Words  | 5 Pagesis because it is bought by everyone right now illegally. The money people are using to buy marijuana is going into black money basically because the money is being paid under the table, which means it has no taxes. If the United States would just legalize marijuana, this country would be able to make so much more money because the money won’t be black money. Marijuana targets a vast variety of people around the United States. Also marijuana may be used by people who want to relax, or may not haveRead MoreEssay about It Is A Bad Idea To Legalize Marijuana1021 Words  | 5 PagesThe Legalization of Marijuana Yes, I believe it is a great idea to legalize marijuana. What a great idea! Think of all the good benefits that could come about. The government could tax marijuana like they do tobacco, and it could help our economy out. Think of all the money that could be gathered with this taxing. The prison and jail populations would decline simply because a number of people in prison are there solely because of a marijuana conviction. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;This would
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
What Category Does The Art Fall Under How Can You Tell
What category does the art fall under? How can you tell? This painting falls under the category of an impressionist painting. You are able to tell that it is an impressionist painting because the lines of paint are blended on the canvas and not on a pallet. The lines are little brush strokes and not big blended ones. How does the artist use color? Are there stark contrasts or is it blended? Are there symbolic meanings behind the color choices? The artist does not use many colors in this painting. The colors used suggest that the time of day is around the evening and the lighting is low. His eyes and his hat are warm colors and they stick out from the cool colors. The stark contrasts in this painting his eyes. His eyes are the brightest thing on the painting, so your eyes go directly to it. The hat is the second brightest thing and your eyes go up to there. After that, everything else is abou the same color and nothing else draws your attention. Are the forms in the piece realistic or abstract? Are they fully one style or do they mix the two? The form of this piece is realistic. It is fully one style because it is a face and the face is clearly a human face. How does the artwork â€Å"work?†How do the details in the piece used to express its meaning? This painting works together because the colors give you an illusion of low lighting. The blending shows off his eyes and make you look to them. Every part of his face has more detail than the rest of the painting does, so youShow MoreRelatedArt Analysis : The Starry Night Essay920 Words  | 4 PagesArt Analysis In this piece of art Van Gogh shows that even tho in a dark night you can still look out your window at night and see light. Another example of that would be in your dark or hard times in life, there is always a brighter side to everything. (Artble. Starry Night Analysis. 2016. Web. 3 May 2016.) Describe the initial emotions you feel when viewing the art. 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Effective Parenting Techniques Free Essays
There are so many things in the world that people do to help children. Many people volunteer to help children and some decide to raise a child. Out of all the things to do raising a child is most difficult, and also very rewarding. We will write a custom essay sample on Effective Parenting Techniques or any similar topic only for you Order Now When an individual chooses to be a parent, he or she should have four traits: a positive lifestyle, stability, tolerance, and patience. Having these traits helps on the long road of effective parenting (The Nemours Foundation, 2011). Discussion of Topic When an individual has a positive lifestyle, their child will look up to their parent. A positive lifestyle is good for a child because a parent is considered a role model. This means parents should have a job, a car, a place to live (a apartment or house), not abuse drugs or alcohol, and speak using manners. For example, if a child hears his parent cursing or using vulgar language the child is more likely to use it himself. Even if the child sees his parent working hard to make a good living, they are more likely to work hard to achieve the same thing (The Nemours Foundation). According to a Scottish government report, the keys to giving a child a good start in life is to love, cuddle, and red bedtime stories. Scotland must become a more â€Å"child-friendly†place with a renewed focus on improving early years through measures such as a new generation of family centers funded through private, public and not-for-profit sources. Children were always acting out anywhere they where and in order for this to stop parents had to pay much more attention to their kids (Currie Brian, 2011). Parents often become less involved in the lives of their children as they nter the middle grades. But your young adolescent needs as much attention and love from you as he needed when he was younger and maybe more. A good relationship with you or with other adults is the best safeguard your child has as he grows and explores. By the time he reaches adolescence, you and he will have had years of experience with each other; the parent of today’s toddler is parent to tomorrow’s teenager (Effective Parenting, 2006). Your relationship with your child may change. In fact, it almost certainly must change; however, as she develops the skills required to be a successful adult. These changes can be rewarding and welcome. As your middle school child makes mental and emotional leaps, your conversations will grow richer. As her interests develop and deepen, she may begin to teach you how to slug a baseball, what is happening with the city council or county board or why a new book is worth reading (Effective Parenting, 2006). When our children behave badly, we may become angry or upset with them. We may also feel miserable because we become angry or upset. But these feelings are different from not loving our children. Young adolescents need adults who are there for them – people who connect with them, communicate with them, spend time with them and show a genuine interest in them. This is how they learn to care for and love others. According to school counselor Carol Bleifield, â€Å"Parents can love their children but not necessarily love what they do, and children need to trust that this is true. †(Effective Parenting, 2006) Young adolescents need support as they struggle with problems that may seem unimportant to their parents and families. They need praise when they’ve done their best. They need encouragement to develop interests and personal characteristics. Psychologist Diana Baumrind identifies three types of parents: authoritarian, permissive, and authoritative. By studying about findings from more than 20 years of research, she and her colleagues have found that to be effective parents, it’s best to avoid extremes. Authoritarian parents who lay down hard-and-fast rules and expect their children to always do as they are told or permissive parents who have very few rules or regulations and give their children too much freedom are most likely to have the most difficult time as parents. Their children are at risk for a range of negative behavioral and emotional consequences. However, authoritative parents, who set limits that are clear and come with explanations, tend to struggle less with their adolescents. â€Å"Do it because I said so†probably didn’t work for your son when he was 6 and it’s even less likely to work now that he’s an adolescent (Effective Parenting, 2006). Young adolescents need strong role models. Try to live the behavior and values that you hope your child will develop. Your actions speak louder than words. If you set high standards for yourself and treat others with kindness and respect, your child stands a better chance of following your example. As adolescents explore possibilities of who they may become, they look to their parents, peers, well-known personalities and others to define who they may become (Effective Parenting, 2006). There are also the five B’s for effective parenting which are be positive, be specific, be certain, be consistent, and be immediate. People including children do things for one of two reasons: to avoid pain or to pursue pleasure. As a parent, you constantly work between these two options. If you use lots of negatives like punishments to drive behavior, your child will do just enough to avoid the pain. Rewarding good behaviors rather than punishing bad ones, improves the chance that you’ll get cooperation and not conflict from your child. Noticing unacceptable behaviors and stopping them with a punishment is easy. It takes effort to recognize good behaviors and praise them. You’ll need to do both; but the more you recognize the good, the less likely you are to see the bad (Effective Parenting, 2006). Relevant Chapters In chapter 8 of the text it talks about the self view of children during their school years. It talks about how preschoolers develop their self-concepts as a result of how their parents treat them and based on the society and culture they live in. Like in Erikson’s initiative vs. guilt is when children act independently, but feel guilt or sense of failure when they don’t succeed or are belittled for the action. The foundational concept of this stage is that children become aware that they are people and begin to make decisions that shape the kind of person they are to become. Children with supportive parents later become independent and autonomous. Children with restrictive or overprotective parents later feel shame and self-doubt. Good effective parenting skills are needed in order for children to become great people in life. Summary In order to have good parenting skills a parent needs to have great effective parenting techniques like using the five B’s. Using the five B’s will get your children to have better cooperation and will never act out as much. Children will always need support from their parents whenever they have issues. They also need to have strong role models because if they don’t then how are they going to learn when they make mistakes. Parents are the ones that have to teach their children what is right from wrong. As kids grow older they make mental leaps that will later create better conversations. Children will become great adults if parents follow effective parenting techniques. How to cite Effective Parenting Techniques, Essay examples
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